This is great for me, being the “frontendest of frontenders” (what one friend calls me), because I thus have a way to easily get data between players without having to implement this myself. I can use the pub/sub pattern to build a peer-to-peer game, and I don’t have to set...
the 62 year old that reminds me of Henry Fonda inOn Golden Pond. Okay, I'll give him a little more credit than that, he's a good sport. I would be sick of doing field work after that many years. Half his anecdotes are about go-go dancers, and every time we pass this whore ...
To anybody considering new wedges, I don’t think you can really go wrong with the Sub70’s as long as you know exactly what you want/need in terms of specs since there are no places outside of Chicago I am aware of that will allow you swing some. Are these wedges for everybody?
It is widely recognized as one of the fastest 10K races in Spain, earning a World Athletics Road Race Label, a prestigious distinction that places it among the best road races globally. The race runs alongside the Marató BP Castelló, creating an exciting environment as thousands of runners ...
in many places these sites are large semi-permanent or permanent water bodies in the shade or open to the sun, with clean and dirty water—although not highly odiferous water [159]. Experiments have shown that an ovipositing mosquito is attracted by water vapour [160] and by specific odours...
“I have an Audit event that I’d like all of my machines to publish, and have one machine subscribe to them all, but NServiceBus won’t let me. How do I make NServiceBus support this scenario?” And the answer is the same every time: ...
These specialists are lacking in many places across the continent, and where they exist they tend to work in isolation rather than in teams. There are few cases that present in the operable stage of the disease. In Lagos Nigeria, less than 10% of cases are operable at the time of ...
In the latter case London Underground had to rapidly install conventional signalling but, because this had not been envisaged, no allowance had been made in the tunnel design for suitable places to locate conventional signals with suitable sighting distances. As the SSR is not a new railway the ...
Thus, online platforms must portray the ability to deliver what it promises, benevolence, and integrity [52]. Studies reveal that consumers adopt trust as a way of mitigating fear when engaged in online transactions [52]. TR affects exchange and helps mitigate the seemingly complex nature of ...
The wind turbines would be part of the optimal system in the places with higher wind speed, which would help to reduce the COE up to 2 €/kWh in the regions such as the East African and South African coasts that experience wind speed greater than 7 m/s. Figure 19 presents the result...