The meaning of SUBLANGUAGE is a subvariety of a language; especially : the dialect or jargon spoken by a particular group. How to use sublanguage in a sentence.
The meaning of SUBLANGUAGE is a subvariety of a language; especially : the dialect or jargon spoken by a particular group. How to use sublanguage in a sentence.
All I wanted to show is that the absence of meaning sub specie aeternitatis has its good sides, too, and that it is therefore less deplorable than one might think. Funding Open access funding provided by University of Innsbruck and Medical University of Innsbruck. Open Access This ...
The meaning and definition indicated above areindicativenot be used for medical and legal purposes Source : Web site to visit: ...
(2) Ambiguity in the meaning of words in a medical imaging context caused incorrect classification for UMLS semantic types. For example, "defect" was tagged as "Functional Concept" by the UMLS tagger, but actually, it is closer to an "Abnormality" in this context. In fact, the UMLS is ...
The percentage of rural surgeons declined over time; furthermore, female surgeons and more recent medical school graduates were less likely to practice rurally. Meaning These results suggest that the rural US faces increasing ophthalmic subspecialty surgeon shortages. Abstract Importance While urb...
The research method is the paradigmatic analysis of surgical terminology through which we stipulate the definition and interpretation of the specialized meaning. The homogenous character of the type of terminologization used at the level of the branch, the relevance of the paradigmatic relationship of ...
[38]. We generally feel obligated to replicate this terminology in order to accurately represent the research under discussion. Where possible without substantially altering the original meaning of the text, we adopt person-first language that emphasises individuals’ lived experience (which may refer ...
Furthermore, parasite densities in infected individuals fluctuate over time meaning that these low-density infections may have future phases of higher density, infectiousness and potentially morbidity6,7,8. As the drive towards malaria elimination intensifies, the question arises as to the added ...
symbols acquire meaning, remains one of the main problems of AI [14]. Roughly speaking, this is the top-down view of the problem of subsymbolic to symbolic mapping. Several methodologies (as fuzzy set theory, probabilistic reasoning etc.) have ...