Medical Editor:Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD homemedical dictionary Sub-:Prefix meaning meaning under, below, less than normal, secondary, less than fully. As insubacute,subaortic stenosis,subarachnoid,subclavian,subclinical disease, subcutaneous,subdural, subglottis,subjacent,sublingual,subluxation, and ...
By 1580s as "theme of a literary composition." By 1833 as "person present for medical or surgical treatment." [S]trictly in rhetoric, and more often in general use,subjectis the broad word for anything written or spoken about, whilethemeis the word for the exact and generally narrower ...
the biological mechanisms that underlie this aggressive tumour behaviour remain poorly understood. Multiregion sequencing provides an opportunity to leverage observed intratumour heterogeneity (ITH) to infer tumour phylogeny2,3,4. However,
While thinking through and exploring the use of body in culture, and rejecting ontological dualism between body and mind, Bojan Žikić regards nonverbal communication, cognitive anthropology and medical anthropology not as separate anthropological subdisciplines, but merely as different fields within An...
(WLL) station, a tablet computer, a camera, a gaming device, a netbook, a smartbook, an ultrabook, an appliance, a medical device or medical equipment, a biometric sensor/device, a wearable device such as a smart watch, smart clothing, smart glasses, a smart wrist band, smart jewelry (...
Scientific and Medical Interrupt Service Routine Initialization Vector Joint Electron Device Engineering Council Kilo Bytes (1024 bytes) kilo bits per second CC1110Fx / CC1111Fx LFSR LNA LO LQI LSB MAC MCU MISO MOSI MSB NA OFB OOK PA PCB PER PLL PM{0 - 3} PMC POR PQI PWM QLP RAM RCOS...
eat, waste," from assimilated form ofcom-, here perhaps an intensive prefix (seecom-), +sumere"to take," fromsub-"under" (seesub-) +emere"to buy, take" (from PIE root*em-"to take, distribute"). Meaning "act of consuming, the using up of material, destruction by use" is 1530...
Scientific and Medical Interrupt Service Routine Initialization Vector Joint Electron Device Engineering Council Kilo Bytes (1024 bytes) kilo bits per second CC1110Fx / CC1111Fx LFSR LNA LO LQI LSB MAC MCU MISO MOSI MSB NA OFB OOK PA PCB PER PLL PM{0 - 3} PMC POR PQI PWM QLP RAM RCOS...