(ISFM) is a potential remedy for declining soil fertility. We addressed determinants of ISFM technologies and identified the sources of soil fertility information using cluster and ordered probit analyses in two counties of the Central Highlands of Kenya. In Tharaka-Nithi county, the uptake of ISFM...
We addressed determinants of ISFM technologies and identified the sources of soil fertility information using cluster and ordered probit analyses in two counties of the Central Highlands of Kenya. In Tharaka-Nithi county, the uptake of ISFMclass1(Animal manure +anti-erosion+inorganic fertilizer +crop...
The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of selected personality factors on career choice among secondary school students in Chuka sub-county of Tharaka Nthi County in Kenya. The descriptive survey research design was adapted for the study whose population was 941 students from the...