Eklerin dilbilimin farkli alanlarindaki bu kullanim ozellik ve gorunumleri, ittifak edilmis dogru bir siniflandirmaya isik tutacaktir.doi:10.21547/jss.273951Hasan KaracaGaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences
Twitter Google Share on Facebook subsense (redirected fromsubsenses) (ˈsʌbˌsɛns) n (Linguistics) a definition that is a division of a wider definition Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003,...
It is important to note that the Adams families represented on this website have an R1b1a2a1a1b4f haplotype which is a branch of the Nordic line as part of the L21 subclade.More specifically our DNA contains the Z255+ and L159.2+/S169.2 mutation The presence of the marker L159 also ...
The name of each polymorphism is shown along the branches, and haplogroup names are given at the tips of each branch. lingering questions about the arrival of Austro-Asiatic and Tibeto-Burman speakers in this sub-Himalayan region, although dating these events is still fraught with uncertainty. ...
158 L4 isolates diversified into three major branches as shown in Supplementary Fig. S1D–E, which could be further classified26 into 6 sublineages, corresponding to 4.1–4.5 and L4.8. The majority of the L4 isolates belonged to L4.5 (93 isolates, 58.9%) and L4.4.2 (37 isolates, 23.4%...
P. Kivisto Social Theory: Roots and Branches (5th ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford (2013) Google Scholar Korsah, 2011 A.K. Korsah Nurses’ stories about their interactions with patients at the Holy Family Hospital, Techiman, Ghana Open Journal of Nursing, 1 (2011), pp. 1-9, 10.4...
(Currently, *** established 150 branches in 29 provinces,totally 58 production bases, with the total assets of 30 billion yuan, and 30000 employees.) Scope of business:food and beverage (For the 23 years, there are more than 360 world-top-class automatic production lines worth more than 10...
For a few branches only has the problem of subgrouping been a matter for discussion (e.g. Germanic). Special attention, however, could be expected from those who started to apply the comparative methods to other language-families. This attention did come forward, though not immediately, ...
The idea that conventionalized general knowledge sometimes referred to as a frame guides the perception and interpretation of the world around us has long permeated various branches of cognitive science, including psychology, linguistics, and artificial intelligence. In this paper we provide experimental ...
denote different reference spheres in different branches of theatre; homonymous term groups formed as a result of intra-linguistic homonymy or paronymy in German; pairs of complete interlingual homonyms containing the most general common seme, which is realised in different ways in each formal equiva...