PS Store與退款 訂閱 遊戲 硬體與維修 線上安全性 連線 PC 如何修正SU-42118-6 更新您的PlayStation®4主機系統軟體時出現問題。 請嘗試執行下列操作: 關閉主機電源並拔除電源線。 關閉路由器/數據機,等待至少5分鐘後再重新啟動。 再次插入主機電源線,然後重新啟動主機電源。
To fix PS4 error code SU-42118-6, first, unplug your console and reconnect it to power after a brief pause. Next, connect the controller to the console using a USB cable. Upon starting the PS4, continuously press the X button on the controller, asrecommended by this Redditor. In case...
This error is caused by a broken ribbon connector between the motherboard and the BD-ROM. This often happens after self-cleaning the console, when you are using the wrong PS4 hardware. As a result, the system will not be able to communicate with the BD-ROM. In this case, you need to...
PlayStation遊戲PC版還支援哪些輸入控制方式? 我已經有遊戲的PS4版或PS5版,如果想在PC上遊玩,是否還需要購買PC版?反過來是否也一樣? 我可以將PS4版或PS5版的遊戲存檔轉移到PC版嗎? PC版PlayStation遊戲支援獎盃嗎? 還有哪些遊戲會推出PC版? 我可以在哪裡購買PC版遊戲? 我...
PS4 SU-42118-6 is a random update error that occurs at the time of a software update. It stuck the PS4 at the restart loop thereby restricting the PS4 to
更新您的PlayStation®4主機系統軟體時出現問題。 請嘗試執行下列操作: 關閉主機電源並拔除電源線。 關閉路由器/數據機,等待至少5分鐘後再重新啟動。 再次插入主機電源線,然後重新啟動主機電源。 從PS4™主機的功能區選擇最新資訊,反白顯示更新檔案,再按下OPTIONS按鈕,然後選擇刪除。
Turn off your router/modem, wait at least 5 minutes, and then restart the router/modem. Plug the console back in and restart it. SelectNotificationsfrom the PS4™ console function area, highlight the update file, press theOPTIONSbutton, and selectDelete. ...
更新您的PlayStation®4主机系统软件时出现问题。 请尝试执行以下步骤: 关闭主机并拔下主机电源。 关闭路由器/调制解调器,然后至少等待5分钟后再重新启动路由器/调制解调器。 重新插入主机电源并重新开机。 从PS4™主机功能区域中选择最新资讯,突出显示升级文件,按选项键,然后选择删除。
Turn off your router/modem, wait at least 5 minutes, and then restart the router/modem. Plug the console back in and restart it. SelectNotificationsfrom the PS4™ console function area, highlight the update file, press theOPTIONSbutton, and selectDelete. ...
Turn off your router/modem, wait at least 5 minutes, and then restart the router/modem. Plug the console back in and restart it. SelectNotificationsfrom the PS4™ console function area, highlight the update file, press theOPTIONSbutton, and selectDelete. ...