点下OK后,就提示无法启动PS4了 按要求用Micro-USB数据线(特意用了Anker的线,这样保证线本身没问题),连接主机和手柄 提示要用保存了 8.50 版本以上的升级文件的USB设备连接。 解决问题 打开Sony Playstation官网 在技术支持这里,输入:SU-41333-4 问题,出来67个搜索结果,但竟然没有一个是匹配的 那就只能死马当...
How to fix SU-41333-4 There was an issue when updating your PlayStation®4 console system software. Please try the following: Turn off and unplug your console. Turn off your router/modem, wait at least 5 minutes, and then restart the router/modem. Plug the console back in and rest...
How to fix SU-41333-4 There was an issue when updating your PlayStation®4 console system software. Please try the following: Turn off and unplug your console. Turn off your router/modem, wait at least 5 minutes, and then restart the router/modem. Plug the console back in and rest...
ps4pro未连接usb储存设备su-41333-4 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2017-10-28 22:22回复 靈魂垨護 赛博朋克 13 怎么解决 来自iPhone客户端2楼2017-10-28 22:22 回复 靈魂垨護 赛博朋克 13 手柄一直连接Pro的,上周都还在玩 来自iPhone客户端3楼2017-10-28 22:23 回复 ...
4回复贴,共1页 <返回ps4pro吧ps4pro显示未连接USB储存设备SU-41333-4 只看楼主收藏回复 贴吧用户_Q6KEZb2 萌 2 插上电视点开机就成这样了。怎么解决 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2022-06-16 16:08回复 HAIZI1225 不重要 1 强行关机了吧,还是系统没升完,电脑下载个系统,插上安装就可以了 2楼202...
ps4未连接usb存储设备(SU-41333-4)我该怎么办? 将U盘插入电脑,打开我的电脑,鼠标右键点击U盘,选择格式化。将U盘的文件系统换成FAT32(默认),然后格式化。格式化完成之后,PS4就能正常识别了。简介:官方宣称PS4主机的运算能力大约是PS3主机的十倍,游戏画面进一步提升分
When you encounter the PS4 SU-41333-4 error, your PS4 will be stuck in the Safe Mode. It tells you “Cannot start the PS4. Please use USB cable to connect DualShock 4 and press the PS button. Please update to version xx”. After the update, it says “The USB storage device is ...
How to fix SU-41333-4 There was an issue when updating your PlayStation®4 console system software. Please try the following: Turn off and unplug your console. Turn off your router/modem, wait at least 5 minutes, and then restart the router/modem....