一台服务器上,使用sudo会出现Segmentation fault,见下: 使用root登录后,使用su命令,一样的会出现Segmentation fault。 暂时还未找到答案。 相关问题:
浏览1提问于2011-07-06得票数 1 1回答 MySQL不会启动吗? 、 在pts/2 Jul 31 22:18:05 linux-kfrm su16949: pam_unix(su:会话):会话由(uid=1000) Jul 31 22:18:05 linux-kfrm su1694922:18:18:05 linux-kfrm su16954:(to root) sdrafahl on pts/2 Jul 31 22:18:05 linux-kfrm su1695...
单纯使用su切揣到root,读取变量的方式 是non-login shell,这种方式下很多的变量都 不会改变,尤其是PATH,所以root用的很多命令都只能用绝对路径来执行,这种方式只是切换到root的身份.而用su-这种方式的话,是login shell方式,它是先以root身份登录然后再执行 ...
Build sumokoin:env DEVELOPER_LOCAL_TOOLS=1 BOOST_ROOT=/usr/local gmake release-static Note: you may encounter the following error, when compiling the latest version of sumokoin as a normal user: LLVM ERROR: out of memory c++: error: unable to execute command: Abort trap (core dumped) ...
su -opens a root shell when correct password is entered. Actual behaviour susegfaults. Steps to reproduce Update the system, runsu -, enter correct password. Downgrading toutil-linux-2.38.1_5solves the problem. Since the latest revision of the package only changed the manpages, the problem ...
Dopo avere richiamato il metatool, viene visualizzato il messaggio seguente: root@[/]>metatool & [1] 2569 root@[/]>Initializing metatool... Done. Discovering drives and slices... metatool: Segmentation Fault Soluzione: spostare /usr/lib/libssd.so.1 e /usr/lib/libap_dmd.so.1 in /...
* CVE-2013-4559: lighttpd did not check the return value of the (1) setuid, (2) setgid, or (3) setgroups functions, which might have caused lighttpd to run as root if it is restarted and allowed remote attackers to gain privileges, as demonstrated by multiple calls to the clone ...
http://www.sun.com/products/staroffice/support.html Initialisation à partir de partitions dépassant 2 Go (Bug ID 1234177) En raison des limites de la mémoire PROM, l'initialisation ne peut pas avoir lieu à partir de partitions d'une taille supérieure à 2 Go pour les architectures sun...
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