4.3 苏-30MKK和衍生型号 | Su-30MKK and derivatives 5. 运用者 | Operators 6. 性能规格 | Specifications (Su-27PU/Su-30) 6.1 一般指标 | General characteristics 6.2 性能 | Performance 6.3 武器 | Armament 6.3+1 航空电子 | Avionics 7. 事故 | Accidents 参见、参考文献、外部链接 中文词条原文...
It has a two-seat cockpit with an airbrake behind the canopy. It can serve as an air superiority fighter and as a strike fighter.[14] 【参考译文】苏-30是一款多用途战斗机。它拥有双座驾驶舱,座舱盖后方装有空气制动器。它既可以作为空中优势战斗机,也可以作为攻击战斗机。[14] 此图片遵循CC BY-...
The SU-30MKI employs extensive use of Sextant Avionique (now Thales Avionics) components in the cockpit. A total of 6 LCDs, 5 MFD-55s and 1 MFD-66 for displaying information and accepting commands are used. The six LCDs have a wide-screen, offer image-superimposing and are shielded to m...
A further three Su-30MK2 aircraft were ordered in August 2007, the orders for this contract were received between 2008 and 2010. Indonesia placed an order for six more Su-30MK2 aircraft in January 2012, which were delivered between February 2013 and September 2013A total of 38 Su-30MKK and...
The Su-30MK2 is fitted with an in-flight refuelling system for extended flight range. The open architecture of the aircraft allows for installation of a variety of combat equipment and an improved avionics suite. Cockpit and avionics of Su-30MK2 ...
cockpit" design, centralized control system, make fighter pilot controls the aircraft in flight, can leisurely. At such a request, su 27 is especially backward, even at present domestic in the development and production of the aircraft. In ...
These led to the T-58, which combined the twin engines with a modified version of the T-49's nose, but with side inlets further back, behind the cockpit. It was approved for production on 5 February 1962, as the Su-15, and the prototype first flew on 30 May 1962. It entered servi...
免费在线预览全文 Bear Studios Flanker Flight Manual Bear Studios Manual for J-11Su-27 Flanker Family TABLE OF CONTENTS AIRCRAFT FACT NORMAL PROCEDURES FSX ESP (Prepar 3D), FS2004 SETUP ... 3 Product Features . 3 Aircraft Fact . .. 4 Normal Procedures . .5 COCKPIT INSTRUMENTS Main Panel ...
The Su-27 cockpit has multi-colour and multi-function displays. Image: courtesy of Vitaly V. Kuzmin via Wikipedia. Russia uses the SU-27UB, a variant of Su-27, as a trainer aircraft. Image: courtesy of Alan Wilson from Stilton, Peterborough, Cambs, UK via Wikipedia. ...
The aircraft’s cockpit has multifunctional displays.[22] 【参考译文】从2004年开始,俄罗斯空军开始对原始的苏联苏-27(“侧卫-B”)机队进行大规模升级。升级后的型号被命名为苏-27SM(俄语“Seriyniy Modernizovanniy”的缩写,意为“系列现代化”)。这包括使用带有主动雷达导引头的R-77导弹提升空对空能力。