【参考译文】这是对现役双座战斗机苏-27UB、苏-30和苏-30K的升级项目。该项目在俄罗斯被取消,但后来被重新启用,演变为苏-30M2。白俄罗斯考虑将前印度苏-30K升级到苏-30KN标准。[需要引证] Su-30MK (Flanker-H)[137] Commercial version of Su-30M first revealed in 1993. 2 were exported to Indonesia in...
The Royal Malaysian Air Force’s Sukhoi Su-30MKM Flanker H in flight over the South China Sea. The front view of Sukhoi Su-30 MK2, an export version of the Sukhoi Su-30M Flanker-H air-superiority fighter jet. The Sukhoi Su-30M is a multirole two-seater fighter, broadly comparable to ...
印度完成所有SU-30MKI战斗机国产工作 印度航空航天公司印度斯坦航空有限公司(HAL)已经完成了272架苏霍伊Su-30MKI(北约报告名称:Flanker-H)多用途战斗机的许可生产。 “今年,HAL已完成印度空军签订的所有Su-30MKI 战斗机的生产。该公司有望获得Su-30MKI的一些额外订单。考虑到这一情况,国防采购委员会已批准了(光辉轻型...
Su-30战斗机(苏-30战斗机,北约命名称为侧卫C,Flanker-C)是俄罗斯苏霍伊航空公司基于苏联时期开发的Su-27加以改进升级后的第四代重型双发动机双座多用途战机,为针对苏-27假想敌F-15的升级版F-15E而开发,同时提高了航程。 The Su-30 started as an internal development project in the Sukhoi Su-27 family by...
Su-30SM “Flanker-H”“Blue 77”“加里宁格勒”俄联邦航空器注册号RF-81881 生产序列号10МК5 1514 近卫海上突击航空兵第4团 #苏霍伊影像集#
the G.W.H L4831 1/48 Su-30 MKM/MK/MKA/SME Flanker-H 4in1 model kit is designed to provide a rewarding experience. The easy-to-assemble kit ensures that even beginners can enjoy the process of building this impressive model, while the durable plastic material ensures that the finished pro...
The Su-34, which replaces the Tu-23M and Su-24 aircraft, has been in service with the Russian Armed Forces since 2014. It is one of the derivatives of the Su-27 Flanker, apart from the Su-30, Su-33 and Su-35. The Su-34 design retains the basic layout and construction of the ...
Auto Credit Based on lancelot3340's Su-35 Flanker-E . This is my final version of Su-35 after 4 mounths work, with Omnidirectional TVC. That makes you can lead out in any circumstance if you get stall in very shot time.AG-1 to the TVC . Also you can do all the post stall ...
印度航空航天公司印度斯坦航空有限公司(HAL)已经完成了272架苏霍伊Su-30MKI(北约报告名称:Flanker-H)多用途战斗机的许可生产。 “今年,HAL已完成印度空军签订的所有Su-30MKI 战斗机的生产。该公司有望获得Su-30MKI的一些额外订单。考虑到这一情况,国防采购委员会已批准了(光辉轻型战斗机/LCA) Tejas的待定订单,以及15...