It can serve as an air superiority fighter and as a strike fighter.[14] 【参考译文】苏-30是一款多用途战斗机。它拥有双座驾驶舱,座舱盖后方装有空气制动器。它既可以作为空中优势战斗机,也可以作为攻击战斗机。[14] 此图片遵循CC BY-SA 2.5协议 图片题注:Su-30MK在2007年度莫斯科航展。图片来源:User:...
Russian Su-35 fighter jet vs.British Eurofighter Typhoon The cause of the accident was not the pilot of the Su-35, but the ground control conducting the training. Ground control did not disable the Su-35’s onboard 30mm cannon. Thus, 25 rounds from the cannon meet the hull...
Alternatively, VTOL mode could be removed and the F35 maneuverability increased to make it on par with the SU57. That would make jet-v-jet balance perfect, although I wouldn't want to see VTOL mode disappear. Also, jets need better speed control, including proper "air braking"! @...
A note on the designation 'Su-30MKI':'Su' stands for a production fighter designed by the USSR/Russia's famed Sukhoi Experimental Designed Bureau. Su-30 derived from the Su-27UB, which is the twin-seat trainer-combat version of the Su-27. Therefore all Su-30 versions are twin seat (e...
Product: Battlefield 2042Platform:PCPlease specify your platform model. PCAMD or Nvidia Model Number AMDEnter RAM memory size in GB 32GAre you using any... - 6942185
分享46赞 印度吧 qa3136489509 印空军一战机在中印边境附近失踪,印网友:应该把中国教训一顿IAF Sukhoi-30 aircraft goes missing near China border 印度空军一架苏30战机在中印边境附近失踪 NEW DELHI: Yet another frontline Sukhoi-30MKI fighter jet is believed to have crashed after it went missing around 60...
摘要和要点:类似于美国空军F-15EX的以色列F-15i Ra’am已从其原始形式进行了广泛的升级,成为以色列最有能力的飞机之一。 摘要和要点: 配备了高级航空电子产品,Lantirn靶向系统,APG -70雷达和保形燃油箱,Ra’am可以在白天或黑夜的所有天气条件下准确地参与目标。
《皇牌空战7》&《壮志凌云:独行侠》联动DLC正式发布,4架新机F-14A TomcatF/A-18E Super Hornet(目前游戏里只有18F和18FBlock3)以上两架各带一个电影特别版Darkstar(可以飙到4.5马赫,带PLSL)5 Gen Fighter(其实就是Su-57,就换个名字)除了暗星都是现有机体小改,突出一个偷懒 ...
根据俄罗斯telegram频道Fighterbomber在3月20日的报告,俄罗斯空天军航空兵和地导兵当天在苏梅州上空协同合作,击落了乌克兰空军的一架F-16战斗机。如果此事属实,将是F-16加入乌克兰空军之后的第二次损失。 事情的来龙去脉 那么,此事的来龙去脉究竟如何呢?根据Fighterbomber通报的消息,俄罗斯空天军和乌克兰空军F-16战斗...