DescriptionReport Item Styptic pencilSize/Count: 1OZ*Stops bleeding from razor nicks and cuts immediately*Seals skin surface to prevent infection*Works fast,sting free*Ideal for razor nicks and minor cutsSold by MAGICARE DEODORANT Store(Trader) Ship to Canada AliExpress commitment Free shipping ...
styptic pencil n (Medicine) a styptic agent in the form of a small stick, for application to razor nicks, etc Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Pacific Shaving Company Nick Stick - No Tissue Paper, No Chalky Residue, Dries Clear, Liquid Roll-On Applicator, Puts Nicks in Their Place, with Vitamin E & Aloe, Styptic Pencil .25 oz (3-Pack) ASIN Number: B07FQTGLTT PASIN Number: B07FQZ3Y6J ...
Non-stinging styptic pencilA non-stinging styptic composition in the form of a water soluble resin coated cast pencil, for stopping bleeding from cuts and nicks received during shaving. The composition comprises aluminum sulfate, aloe, glycerine, lidocaine and polyethylene glycol 400....
If the bleeding doesn't stop after applying the styptic pencil for 5 seconds, depending on your cut, it may take a few tries.You might feel a slight sting, but it should go away quickly. What do I do if I cut myself while shaving my pubes?
* The Latherking’s one hand activation system releases an instant flow of thick, hot, aerated, super wet lather...Shaving has never been easier! * Supplies two barbers all day * Completely enclosed universal motor protected from rust and corrosion * Stainless steel valve and extra-large,easy...