▾英语-中文 正在建设中 stylistic 名 — 风格 名 devices 复 — 器件 复 查看更多用例 • 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 试用DeepL翻译器 stylistic devices 随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾外部资源(未审查的) All such technical and stylistic amendments will be fully ...
Adj.1.stylistic- of or relating to style (especially in the use of language); "stylistic devices" rhetorical- given to rhetoric, emphasizing style at the expense of thought; "mere rhetorical frippery" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex...
1. 修辞手法 ...终达到公益广告为公众服务的效能。 3.强调,指采用修辞手法(Stylistic Devices)来表现句 中相对重要的概念。 这种修辞手 … wenku.baidu.com|基于3个网页 2. 文体手段 什么意思_英语devices在线翻译_有道词典... ... Network Devices 网络设备 ; 网路设备Stylistic devices文体手段... ...
Explore stylistic devices in writing. Learn the stylistic devices definition, discover the purpose of stylistic devices, and review the various...
Stylistic Devices – Free Exercise Exercises – Stylistic Devices Lingolia Plus English Unlock all grammar exercises for English with a Lingolia Plus account 1041 interactive grammar exercises for English sorted by topic and level (A1–C1) with a built-in progress tracker and awards system ...
English Flashcards / English Courses Next Set Stylistic Devices List & Flashcards Chapter 4 / Set (15 cards) Cards Course Try it risk-free for 30 days 1/1400 Create Your Account To Continue Studying As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons in math, ...
• The development of this metaphorical structure, however, is gradual, and parallels a stylistic feature of the poetry.• These were to identify, but not describe or interpret, the stylistic devices present in a given text.Explore Arts Topic work of art culturally scene glaze review...
Identify the rhetorical and stylistic devices employed in the Chinese sentences and their English translations. Comment on the effects of the rhetorical or stylistic devices in each pair.1. 生态是统一的自然系统,是相互依存、紧密联系的有机链条。人的命脉在田,田的命脉在水,水的命脉在山,山的命脉在土...
Specific term used instead of a general one: Example: Kashmir is theirMaui,Aspen, andPalm Springsall rolled into one.(3)(siehe Anmerkung) Note:For people from the US, every place represents a certain kind of holiday destination: Maui is a typical island in the sun, Aspen a typical ski ...