Identify the rhetorical and stylistic devices employed in the Chinese sentences and their English translations. Comment on the effects of the rhetorical or stylistic devices in each pair.1. 生态是统一的自然系统,是相互依存、紧密联系的有机链条。人的命脉在田,田的命脉在水,水的命脉在山,山的命脉在土...
paratextparenthesisdashCharles LambEssays of EliaThe distinctive style of Charles Lamb's essays has been interpreted in different ways-abundant allusions and rhetorical devices,quaintness and vernacular,antique colloquialism,witty humor,bitter sweetness,profound humanity,etc.Nevertheless,so far the extensive...
63、ents operating to heighten the aesthetic effect. It is identified with various linguistic features, devices and patterns which function to produce the artistically or thematically related effects; and language is naturally examined in the context of literary interpretation. Translation Strategies n- ...
Stylistic Devices present-day English Raymond Hickey Essen University 1 Introduction For several centuries English has been well known for its many cases of conversion‚ for instance it is used very frequently by Shakespeare‚ almost as a stylistic device of his. And to this day it has remai...
3.This paper analyzes some important rhetorical devices in On Studies,such as parallelism,ellipsis and analogy as well as their influence on the rhythm patterns from stylistic perspective,and points out that both the linguistic forms and their rhythm contribute to the thought of the author,therefore...
The purpose of this study is three fold; first, it attempts to show to what extent Fielding’s writings unfold the basic characteristics of the eighteenth century lines of thinking, foremost of which is the importance of context for the determination of
of public speaking.The object of a political speech is to explain, convince and persuade the audience that what the speaker is saying and representing so that they should support them.In some sense, using proper rhetorical devices like alliteration, metaphor,etc.may have some stylisticeffects. ...
Stylistic devices are linked to various effects (influencing attention, meeting aesthetic stan- dards – ornatus as a means of adorning and ennobling the pattern of communication, diversity of expressions, exemplification etc.). The functions of lexical stylistic devices mainly emanate from their ...
1) stylistic effects 文体效果1. This paper analyzes the cause of its formation from register level,make contrastive analysis from lexical level and summarize its stylistic feature and stylistic effects. 文章从语域角度分析网络聊天室语言的成因,并从词汇角度对中英网络聊天语言进行对比分析,总结其文体特征...
This article makes a brief analysis on the speech of “What Adults Can Learn from Kids” in four perspectives,which is phonology, lexis, syntax, and semantic. And as we analyzed above, stylistic devices are frequently used in the discourse of literary works especially in speech, to achieve ce...