This article is stylistic analysis of Blake's poem "Night". For this analysis stylistics devices are used and the analysis is made under the aspects of graphological, syntactical, semantic and phonological patterns. This analysis would be helpful in understanding the basic concepts of poem that is...
mainly f如mtIIeperspective of litemrystylistics.Byprobing intosuchst),Iistic鹅pects oftlIepoem鹊punctIlation,figure of speech锄ddly出m粕ddlymescheme,wemay betterunderstaIldnot olllythepoemitselfbutalsothe poetes8’ mentality. KeywDrds:Stylistic柚alysis;Nobody;Somebody;initialc印itadizaljo吨simile;...
A-stylistic-analysis-of-walt-whitman湖南科技大学外国语学院 课程学期论文 课程名称:英语修辞学 论文题目:A stylistic analysis of Walt Whitman’s poem“O Captain! my Captain!” 姓名:吴飞 班级:教育二班 学号:0912010401 学年学期:2012-2013-1 A stylistic analysis of Walt Whitman’s poem “O Captain!
world.Astylisticanalysisofthepoemwasmadebyprobingintoitsphonologicalfeatures,syntacticfeaturesandrhetoricfeatures, inordertofacilitatetheunderstandingandappreciationofthepoem. Keywords:RobertBurns;ARedRedRose;stylistics;rhythm;syntax;rhetoric ARed,RedRose RobertBurns 1OMyluve’slikeared,redrose, 2That’snewlysprun...
William Butler Y eats When you are old and gray and full of sleep And nodding by the fire, take down this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Y our eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love ...
Up to now domestic researchers, for example Zhou Yaqiong (2010), Gao Jieping and Xia Zhijian (2013), have conducted stylistic analysis at different levels. Based on those previous studies, this paper chooses to carry out a more comprehensive stylistic analysis of the poem at lexical level to ...
THE PERSPECTIVES OF STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF THE POEM "BEREFT" BY ROBERT FROST The data source of this research was taken from the poems in the first chapter of Complete Poems of Robert Frost entitled A Boy's Will. The data were in the forms of phrases or sentences that were collected based...
内容提示: 2011年第4期总第106期文学艺术N o.4.2011Sum106《雪夜林中小驻》文体解析袜畅( 揭阳职业技术学院广东揭阳522000)摘要:本文箨鼠宏境和徽境两个层次槔讨这首诗的文体特点,遂过主题、语音、词汇与句法特征、修辞手法等客观标准分析这首诗的魅力所在。关键词:宏观;微碗;修辞手法巾图分类号:1207文献标识...
Keywords : Literature, Figure of Speech, Message.This research title is"StylisticAnalysis of Westlife Song Soledad and I Have a Dream". It has two purposes, the first is to find figures of speech in the lyric of Soledad and I have a dream in Westlife song. And the second is to analyze...