It has been analyzed on lexical, grammatical and stylistic levels.H. SaadiaM.Shahar BanoM. TabassumSaadia M. H., Shahar Bano and M. F. Tabassum, "Stylistic Analysis of Short Story „The Happy Prince‟". Sci.Int. 27(2):1539-1544 (2015)...
《橘子和苹果》的文体学分析 全英文版Stylistic Analysis of A fiction-- Oranges and Apples Stylistic Analysis of A fiction-- Oranges and Apples Abstract: Oranges and Apples is a short story written by Alice Munro, a Canadian writer, known for stories focusing on the emotional lives of the ...
A Rose for Emily is a short story written by William Faulkner, the famous and prolific writer of novels and short stories in America. His unique style of writing fiction always draws much attention of scholars. The narrative mode in A Rose for Emily is studied in this paper thus to ...
This thesis, however, is concerned primarily with the style of "Miss Brill", and aims to provide an integrative, systematic stylistic analysis of the short story, deriving its underlying theories from a method of prose text analysis, proposed by literary stylists Leech Short. The analysis is ...
"The Story of an Hour"is American female writer Kate Chopin's short story.This novel is famous for its exquisite style and the unique narration technique.In this article the author analysizes the story in stylistic aspects, including the language style,the syntax analysis,the rhetoric technique,...
Stylistic Analysis of O.Henry's The Gift of the Magi 姓名:许颖淑 班级:11级英语10班 学号:111002101009 Stylistic Analysis of O.Henry's The Gift of the Magi Introduction As one of the three masters of short stories in the literature history, 0.Henry was an outstanding Americ...
The Cask of Amontillado is one of Poe’s bestknown horror short stories.Based on Stylistics,this paper attempts to analyze this story from the aspects of themes,characterization,point of view,syntactic and lexical features,to reveal Poe’s excellent skills and the artistic charm.杨赛菲校园英语...
摘要: This paper gives an analysis on American novelist William Faulkner's short story A Rose for Emily from a stylistic perspective,focuses on the diction,syntactic structure and narrative method of the story.supports all the CNKI file formats;only supports the PDF format. 年份: 2010 收藏...
Stylistic Analysis of James Joyce’s Araby西安外国语大学(研究生部)/王雪【Abstract】Araby is one of the most well-known short stories collection Dubliners by James Joycer, describing a boy disillusionment of love and his growth from innocent to mature. This paper aims at analyzing the short ...
The comparison between what the readers have expected and what really happens in the story delays the time of the readers’ appreciation of the story and creates a sense of newness.Second, the application of free indirect speech helps to represent the character’s thought. For example, “they ...