For this study, a modified stylistic model developed by M. Short (1996) will be used for the linguistic analysis of Faulkner's style in A Rose for Emily to show how he affects the reader's understanding of the meaning: themes, structure, characters etc. Then, it will be examined whether...
The Stylistic Analysis of"A Rose for Emily"
"A Rose for Emily", though short it is, is undoubtedly one of the most sparkling strokes on the monument.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-9960.2009.15.445袁芳西安工业大学外语系孟静河北工业大学外国语学院科技信息
A Stylistic Analysis of A Rose For Emily 作者:赵茜文体学解读措词句法结构叙述视角 摘要:《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》是威廉·福克纳著名的短篇小说,本文从措词、句法结构和叙述视角几个方面对小说进行了文体学解读,表现出作者在故事叙述方面的独特技巧。 注:因版权方要求,不能公开全文,如需全文,请咨询杂志社...
A Stylistic Analysis of A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner and its Turkish Translation 机译:威廉·福克纳《艾米丽的玫瑰》的文体分析及其土耳其语翻译 代理获取 本网站仅为用户提供外文OA文献查询和代理获取服务,本网站没有原文。下单后我们将采用程序或人工为您竭诚获取高质量的原文,但由于OA文献来源多样且变更...
摘要: This paper gives an analysis on American novelist William Faulkner's short story A Rose for Emily from a stylistic perspective,focuses on the diction,syntactic structure and narrative method of the story.supports all the CNKI file formats;only supports the PDF format. 年份: 2010 收藏...
22、ASTYLISTICANALYSIS OF "A ROSE FOR EMILY 《纪念爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》的文体表现方式 23、However, you can go as detail as you like, it is only astylisticchoice. 但是,如果你喜欢你可以画的很细致,这个属于个人的风格不同。 24、This newstylisticapproach is very apparent in the Station Wagon ver...
while in journalism,researches on journalist style are just beginning.This thesis setresses in detail on the significance and methods of introducing relevant literature theories into journalist style research,based on a comparative analysis of the correlative and differences between author style and ...
"A Rose for Emily", though short it is, is undoubtedly one of the most sparkling strokes on the monument.doi:CNKI:SUN:KJXX.0.2009-15-447袁芳西安工业大学外语系孟静河北工业大学外国语学院CNKI;WanFang科技信息
Israa Abdurrahman