In this poem, Yeats tends to use simple sentences. He uses a series of verbs to describe the mans beloved one. And adverbial modifiers are frequently used, such as the use of gerund (e.g. nodding by the fire) and prepositional phrase (e.g. with love false and true). Also, different...
mainly f如mtIIeperspective of litemrystylistics.Byprobing intosuchst),Iistic鹅pects oftlIepoem鹊punctIlation,figure of speech锄ddly出m粕ddlymescheme,wemay betterunderstaIldnot olllythepoemitselfbutalsothe poetes8’ mentality. KeywDrds:Stylistic柚alysis;Nobody;Somebody;initialc印itadizaljo吨simile;...
Up to now domestic researchers, for example Zhou Yaqiong (2010), Gao Jieping and Xia Zhijian (2013), have conducted stylistic analysis at different levels. Based on those previous studies, this paper chooses to carry out a more comprehensive stylistic analysis of the poem at lexical level to ...
William Butler Y eats When you are old and gray and full of sleep And nodding by the fire, take down this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Y our eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love ...
雪夜林边小立之文体学分析StylisticanalysisofStoppingbyWoodsonaSnowyEvening 系统标签: 雪夜文体woodsstoppingstylisticsnowy 3892013年第7期总第129期No.7.2013Sum129外语研究《雪夜林边小立》之文体学分析周世燕(德州学院山东德州253000)摘要:罗伯特·弗罗斯特(Robert·Frost)是美国文学史上最具独创性的诗人之一。国内有...
It is one of Blake's most reinterpreted and arranged works.In the thesis, I will attempt to make a stylistic analysis of this poem; the analyses will focus on thepoem’s rhythm and rhetoric. The aim is to let readers understand the distinctive features and inner meaning of this poem, at...
关键词:宏观;微碗;修辞手法巾图分类号:1207文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-9795( 201¨ 04-0065-01引言这首诗的魅力之一在于它的谱域创造了许彩情景语境潜势,使它的语法隐喻空闻能够魅及人妇的生活,这具体表现在诗的修耱手法.E。1。豫嗡诗中一鹫词语如“ 雪、结冰的湖、这一年最黑的晚上、铃铛、小薄片、...
On the base of the definition of stylistics, this thesis gives a detailed analysis of some the of stylistic devices used in the famous speech by the well-known American civil rights movement leader Martin Luther King, Jr., and then probes into the stylistic characteristics of speech as a styl...