You can extend an existing styled-components component using the styled() constructor/wrapper, for example, like so: const ExtendedComponent = styled(MyComponent)` // ... `; To have a full picture, consider the following example: const Button = styled.button` padding: 6px; border: ...
First, let's import styled-components and create astyled.button: importstyledfrom'styled-components'constButton=styled.button`` ThisButtonvariable here is now a React component that you can use like any other React component! This unusual backtick syntax is a new JavaScript feature called atagged...
styled-components converts all of the style definitions in your React component into plain CSS at build time and the inject everything into the <style> tags in the head of your index.html file. This affects performance in the sense that it is not only increasing the size of our HTML file...
Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress 💅 - styled-components
Styled Components are one of the new ways to use CSS in modern JavaScript. It is the meant to be a successor of CSS Modules, a way to write CSS that's scoped to a single component, and not leak to any other element in the page
Since the GlobalStyle component is a StyledComponent, that means it also has access to theming from the <ThemeProvider> component if provided.import { createGlobalStyle, ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components' const GlobalStyle = createGlobalStyle<{ $whiteColor?: boolean; }>` body { color: ${...
import React, { Component } from "react"; import styled from"styled-components"; import"./App.css";/*===*//*=== sample data ===*//*===*/const people=[ { name:"Anna", sex: "female", age: 28}, { name:"John", sex: "male", age: 31}, { name:"Tim", sex...
If you ever need to use the current theme outside styled components (e.g. inside big components), you can use the withTheme higher order component.import { withTheme } from 'styled-components' class MyComponent extends React.Component { render() { console.log('Current theme: ', this....
Alternatively, you may use style objects. This allows for easy porting of CSS from inline styles, while still supporting the more advanced styled-components capabilities like component selectors and media queries. const Button = styled.button({ color: 'grey', }); Equivalent to: const Button = ...
And into yourWrappercomponent: constWrapper=styled.default.section`padding: 4em;background:${props=>props.theme.primary};`; Style component constructors asrouter-link You can style also Vue component constructors asrouter-linkfromvue-routerand other components ...