import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; class Home extends PureComponent { render() {return(<div>Home</div>) } componentDidMount() { } } exportdefaultHome; 如果有公共组件 创建common文件夹 编写style.js文件(相当于css) import styled from 'styled-components';export const HeaderWrapper=sty...
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; class Home extends PureComponent { render() { return ( <div>Home</div> ) } componentDidMount() { } } export default Home; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 如果有公共组件 创建common文件夹 编写style.js文件(相当于css) import ...
npm install --save @emotion/react /**@jsxjsx */import{jsx}from'@emotion/react'letSomeComponent=props=>{return(<divcss={{color:'hotpink'}}{...props}/>)} The babel plugin is not required, but enables some optimizations and customizations that could be beneficial for your project. ...
⚠️Attention: Bleeding edge ahead. Don't use this in production. Installation In your app: $ npm install react@next react-dom@next @andywer/style-hook @andywer/style-api-jss In a component package you only need this: $ npm install react@next @andywer/style-hook ...
importglmfrom"glamorous";constComponent1=glm.a({color:"#fff",display:"inline-block",flexDirectionn:"row"}); Advanced Use Cases Add support for morecss-in-jspackage: constsyntax=require("postcss-syntax")({"i-css":(index,namespace)=>namespace[index+1]==="addStyles","styled-components":...
module.exports= {title:'Component Library',webpackConfig:Object.assign( {},require("./config/webpack/"), {/* Custom config options if required */} ),components:"source/components/**/*.jsx",template: {head: {links: [ {rel:"stylesheet",href:"https...
I have a react app and I want to have sass and css support. The problem is when I import the sass or css modules it is not applied to the tags. I mean look at the code below I want the number 2 way of using styles :
在前端渲染的入口文件(entry/index.js)也要进行对应的处理: importReactfrom'react';importReactDomfrom'react-dom';importComfrom'./component';importStyleContextfrom'isomorphic-style-loader/StyleContext';constinsertCss=(...styles)=>{>style._insertCss())return()=>remove...
Rack::Component Like a React.js component, aRack::Componentimplements arendermethod that takes input data and returns what to display. You can use Components instead of Controllers, Views, Templates, and Helpers, in any Rack app. Install ...
styleguide也支持了Typescript,只需要添加react-docgen插件就可以了。 安装插件 npm i -D react-docgen-typescript 1. 配置插件,在styleguide.config.js中添加: module.exports = { ... resolver: require('react-docgen').resolver.findAllComponentDefinitions, ...