The technical term that eye doctors use for a stye ishordeolum(hor-DEE-uh-lum). Ahordeolumis always an infected oil gland in the eyelid, but it may form in different types of oil glands. The type of oil gland that gets infected determines where on the eyelid the hordeolum will develop...
The person has recurring styes. The entire eyelid oreyeitself is red or swollen. Redness spreads to around the eye or the cheek. The person has an abnormal immune system (for example, people with diabetes or HIV, patients receiving treatment forcancer,organ transplantrecipients)....
"The medical term for stye is hordeolum,"Kemunto Mokaya, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Houston, tells "A stye develops when the oil-producing gland in the eyelid margin gets blocked, inflamed and infected. It is usually caused by a bacterial infection (usually the t...
Share on Facebook stye Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia sty1 (stī)īz) A pigsty. [Middle English, from Old Englishstig.] sty2 alsostye(stī)īz) Inflammation of one or more sebaceous glands of an eyelid. ...
infection points to the conjunctival surface of the eye.12Sometimes the swelling caused by an acute internal hordeolum is diffuse rather than localized, and a pustule is not obvious on the lid margin. To clarify the cause, it is necessary to evert the eyelid and examine the tarsal conjunctiva...
A stye, characterized by painful swelling and redness on the eyelid, results from an infection in the eyelash follicle or eye's oil gland. Often caused by Staphylococcus bacteria, styes can also arise from other bacterial infections. While styes typically resolve within ten days, natural remedies...
Eyelid Scrubs. Is it normal for styes to itch? Styes are usually caused by bacterial infections, a clogged oil gland or long-term inflammation of the eye lid. The most common symptoms of a stye includeitching sensation, sensitivity to light, tenderness of the eyelid, swelling, redness and te...