Regarding volumes, you actually don't even need STXH at all as long as you know the object types, etc that you are looking for from STXL. Additionally, you can filter out the data you don't need through SLT configurations for replication (still have the pain of initial load). Good new...
1, 相关表 SAP系统中的长文本(long text)相关表汇总如下: 1)STXH:长文本抬头表 2)STXL:长文本行表 3)TTXID:TextID 表 4)TTXOB:Textobject表 2, 标准报表RSTXTC3 再介绍一个有用的SAP标准report RSTXTC3,可以用来查找不同单据的长文本,举例说明如下: VA02,在销售订单690000446头中随便加入一个长文本如...
Is there a solution built into SAP standard that I'm not aware of for the mass reading of texts? Is there a solution for an efficient way to mass read data from cluster tables? To me must be a common issue - in the SAP world - this is not the first time that I have seen Calls...
As per my knowledge, SAP stores all the Long TEXT Name in STXL and STXH and with the help of READ_TEXT it can be fetched But when I am trying to use READ_TEXT it says no records found and even No entries in table... Could anyone help me in this, Am I looking in a wron...