大和公司在A省电视台主办的赈灾义演募捐现场举牌表示向F省红十字会捐款500万元,并指明此款专用于F省B中学的校舍重建。事后,大和公司仅支付200万元,对此,下列哪一项是正确的?( ) A.A省电视台、F省红十字会、B中学均无权请求大和公司支付其余300万元 B.F省红十字会、B中学均有权请求大和公司支付其余300万元 C.F...
B.The benefits of buying a car outweigh the benefits of leasing a car. C.Leasing allows people to drive more expensive cars than they might otherwise be able to afford. D.People are often shocked at how much money they end up paying when a car lease is over. 查看答案需要1币 进入试题...