Participants' responses to the questionnaire were grouped into five categories: familiarity with PWS and family history of stuttering, knowledge of behaviors that constitute stuttering, opinions on the causes of stuttering, willingness to date a PWS and factors that would influence the decision to date...
The listener perception was evaluated through a questionnaire developed for the purpose.Results:The trends suggested that a female AWS possessed overall better listener perception as compared with male AWS in undisclosed condition and received better perception by listeners in more domains than male AWS ...
Then, the therapist participant answered the questionnaire asking about the effectiveness of treatment through the app. 5 Results 5.1 The Therapeutic Value Qualitative data from the case study with the therapist participant, the child, and the parent support our findings. The therapeutic value of ...
and the parent support our findings. The therapeutic value of “Tingling Cast” was evaluated by the therapist participant through reviewing video taken from the child. The therapist participant fulfilled the questionnaire assessing therapeutic value and gave detailed feedbacks to us. Results regarding...
University students’ explanations for their descriptions of people who stutter: An exploratory mixed model study Journal of Fluency Disorders (2010) K.O. St. Louis et al. Construct and concurrent validity of a prototype questionnaire to survey public attitudes toward stuttering Journal of Fluency Dis...
A total of 1000 Saudi citizens were invited to participate in this questionnaire-based study, only 878 participants with age range of 18–65 years old were recruited in this study; most of them were men (71.8% Vs 28.2 for women) (Table 1). The distribution of the studied participants ...
The listener perception was evaluated through a questionnaire developed for the purpose.Results:The trends suggested that a female AWS possessed overall better listener perception as compared with male AWS in undisclosed condition and received better perception by listeners in more domains than male AWS ...
Effects of host culture were investigated by considering time lived in the UK for Arab and Chinese students. Methods & Procedures: The study used a descriptive survey design that included a standardised self-delivered questionnaire: the Public Opinion Survey of Human Attributes鈥 Stuttering (POSHA-...
The instrument used for data collection was a self-report emotional intelligence questionnaire for children: The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire - Child Short Form (TEIQue-CSF) (Mavroveli & Petrides, 2009). We collected and analysed data on the level of emotional intelligence ...
Aim This study aimed to feature the primary school teachers' knowledge and attitude towards stuttering students. Method This study included 100 primary school teachers selected from 4 primary governmental schools in Cairo. Our subjects were subjected to a questionnaire field study to measure their ...