I have always thought that grading on a scale is stupid. When a teacher/professor grades tests based on a scale, the teacher grades each student based on their performance compared to other students. This is a stupid way to do things because it can both cause some students who know the....
Shodan - Shodan is a search engine for the IOT(Internet of Things) that allows you to search variety of servers that are connected to the internet using various searching filters. Mamont GrayhatWarfare WIPO Netlas.io↑ Visual Search and Clustering Search EnginesSearch...
Sometimes enough is enough, and with lots of interests elsewhere, it's best to move on to bigger and more lucrative things, even if you have had a great run with some great results. No Comments found. Related Videos PokerTube 1,863 VideosviaYoutube ...
Secondly – and much, much, worse – is the actual EXECUTION of the ad. Here are the 3 things that really, really, REALLY FUCKING PISS ME OFF ABOUT IT. 1: It’s a two-parter. You see the first part (below), and you say “Ok, whatever. That shit’s done with.” Then you get...
Pip and I is a fun and informative YouTube show based on our interests and passions. But who are these guys? What makes them qualified to talk about these things? Learn More What is it all about? Watch | Ep1 Content Marketing We like to wonder ...
Come on men, am I right or am I right? Space_hamster Posts: 950 August 2012 Jolanthus said: There are enough examples through history of ordinary women doing extraordinary things on the battlefield to not make it purely the domain of men. I'm happy to report that Wiki has an ...
YouTube Best Web Hosting Companies 0 Related Lists Top 10 Stupidest Things Celebrities Have Wasted Their Money OnTop 10 Stupidest Things Chris-Chan Has DoneTop 10 Stupidest Things President Trump has Said Regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus)Top 10 Stupidest QuestionsTop 10 Stupidest Reasons to Get...
Hannah Montana, also known as Hannah Montana Forever for the fourth and final season, is an American musical comedy series created by Michael Poryes, Rich Correll, and Barry O'Brien which focused on Miley Stewart, a teenager living a double life as an average schoolgirl by day and a famous...
Shortly after running out of lake, the right float and wing hit the ground and things came to a stop. The pilot gave two versions of the event, in one he said that he’d overloaded the airplane, in the other, he stated that the engine wasn’t putting out full power. There was no...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fV8R3wq3utA On the bright side, none of those things happened to me. And as awful as it was, at least D had the decency to 1. be honest with me and 2. end things in person. He could have faded away or even pulled a Jack Berger, although I...