He wasstungby a wasp. 他被黄蜂叮了一下. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 The dog went berserk when a waspstunghim. 狗给黃蜂咬了,变得狂暴. 《简明英汉词典》 A bumblebeestungme on the cheek. 一只大黄蜂在我脸上螫了一下. 《简明英汉词典》
Bumblebees stung by climate changeTraciWatsonSpecialforUSATODAYUSA Today
The bee stung him on his neck. 那只蜜蜂蜇了他的脖子。 learning.sohu.com 3. Six little black boys playing with a hive, A bumble-bee stung one, and then there were five. 六个小黑人玩蜂巢,一个被蜜蜂蛰了就还剩下了五个。 try2478.blog.163.com 4. A bee stung him on the cheek. 一...
16. Birds prefer not to take any chances—and to steer clear of all insects that look, sound, or fly like a bumblebee to avoid beingstung. 鸟类宁愿不去尝试更多的机会——它们要避开所有如大黄蜂的长相、声音和飞行模式的昆虫,以避免被蛰。
Talking to her is like swimming in a sea and beingstungrepeatedly by an enormous jellyfish. Když s ní mluvíte, jako byste plavali v moři a neustále dovásbodala obrovská medúza. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 I might getstungby a bumbled-bee. ...
Bumblebees can do many things, even bite, but the bumblebee bite is so soft that a human wouldn't feel it. This is probably also why it's not their primary means of defense. They do, however, bite flowers when they can't reach the nectar otherwise. Bumblebees are gentle and not ...
She knew herself to be a word spoken by the sunlight. She laughed at the fear of death. She understood what she was born for and what she was destined to carry out. All this happened while the lightning remained in the sky, a white flash.” ...
Stung Badly by the Queen Bee IT is almost impossible to irritate a worker wasp or bumble-bee to the pitch that it will fly to attack, except when it is defending its home. The queen wasp or bumble-bee will not even defend her home. If she is disturbed when the nest ... M Kelly ...
A bumble-bee stung one,and then there were five.Five little black boys going in for law; One got in chancery,and then there were four.Four little black boys going out to sea; A red herring swallowed one,and then there were three.Three little black boys walking in the Zoo; A big ...
Other types of bees have also been hard hit, with some species of bumblebee having been lost altogether. Development has destroyed habitats, nutritious food from wildflowers has become harder to find and pests and diseases have taken their toll on bee populations that were already struggling with...