yum update -y make后会生成stunserver、stunclient、stuntestcdoe三个文件 经过防火墙地址转换后的用法: nohup ./stunserver --mode full --primaryinterface IP1 --altinterface IP2 --primaryadvertised public IP --altadvertised public IP 什么是turn 下载页面 http://turnserver.sourceforge.net/index.php?
TURN的全称为Traversal Using Relay NAT,即通过Relay方式穿越NAT,TURN应用模型通过分配TURNServer的地址和端口作为客户端对外的接受地址和端口,即私网用户发出的报文都要经过TURNServer进行Relay转发,这种方式应用模型除了具有STUN方式的优点外,还解决了STUN应用无法穿透对称NAT(SymmetricNAT)以及类似的Firewall设备的缺陷,即...
Test2:STUN Client通过端口{IP-c1:Port-c1}向STUN Server{IP-s1:Port-s1}发送一个Binding Request(设置了Change IP和Change Port属性)。STUN Server收到该请求后,通过端口{IP-s2:Port-s2}把它所看到的STUN Client的IP和端口{IP-m2,Port-m2}作为Binding Response的内容回送给STUN Client。 Test3:STUN Client通...
wget http://www.stunprotocol.org/stunserver-1.2.3.tgz tar zxvf stunserver-1.2.3.tgz cd stunserver make # 检查环境 是否OK ./stuntestcode nohup /usr/local/stunserver/stunserver --mode basic --primaryinterface & nohup ./stunserver --mode full --primaryinterfaceeth0 --altinte...
NAT。STUN库提供实现,Client根据响应判断NAT类型,如Open、Full Cone、Restricted、Port Restricted、Symmetric或Firewall。可用的STUN Server包括:stun01.sipphone.com、stun.iptel.org、stun.softjoys.com、stun.xten.com(可能有异常)。RFC3489是完整的NAT穿透方案,RFC5389则专注于提供工具支持。
stunserver:server; stuntestcode:校验安装是否成功的; //启动服务:sudo./stunserver//client测试://默认监听3478端口:sudo./stunclient127.0.0.13478//输出Binding test:success Local address: address:成功 六 后台启动stunserver服务 ...
1. A/V Edge Server test: The tool performs tests against all A/V Edge Servers in the topology by doing the following: ? Verifying that the Lync Server Audio/Video Authentication service is started and can issue proper credentials. ? Verifying that the ...
1. A/V Edge Server test: The tool performs tests against all A/V Edge Servers in the topology by doing the following: ? Verifying that the Lync Server Audio/Video Authentication service is started and can issue proper credentials. ? Verifying that the ...
configuring a test switch message which is same with the switch message in a test server, simultaneously configuring corresponding test parameter for the test switch message; configuring the cluster server to enable servers in the cluster server to be connected and matched to test the performance of...
wget http://www.stunprotocol.org/stunserver-1.2.3.tgz tar zxvf stunserver-1.2.3.tgz cd stunserver make # 检查环境 是否OK ./stuntestcode nohup /usr/local/stunserver/stunserver --mode basic --primaryinterface & nohup ./stunserver --mode full --primaryinterface eth0 --altin...