例如:He tumbled down the stairs.(他从楼梯上翻滚下来。) 外力作用或自身失去平衡: tumble通常由于外力作用(如被推、被绊等)或自身失去平衡而导致。 例如:The child tumbled over the toy on the floor.(孩子被地上的玩具绊倒了,翻滚在地。) 其他含义: tumble还可以用于形容物...
如:The naughty boy put out his foot to trip his teacher. 那个顽皮的男孩伸出脚去绊倒他的老师。 3, tumlble vt. & vi. 多作vi.,指突然或无助地“跌倒、摔下、滚下”,常会带有翻滚的动作,常后接down, off, over 等介词。如:She tumbled down the stairs and was sent to the hospital. 她从...
stumble这个单词的中文翻译可以有多种含义,具体如下: 1. 跌跌撞撞地走:表示某人行走时不稳定,容易跌倒或失去平衡的状态。例如:"He stumbled on the stairs and fell down."(他在楼梯上跌跌撞撞地走,然后摔倒了。) 2. 结巴:用于描述说话时吞音或犹豫不决的情况。例如:"She stumbled over her words when sh...
2、slip读音:英 [slɪp],美 [slɪp]。 作动词时,表示:滑倒,滑跤;滑落,滑离,脱落;悄悄疾行,溜。作名词时,表示:差错,疏漏;纸条,便条;滑跤,滑倒,失脚。例句:As I ran up the stairs, my foot slipped and I fell.我跑上楼梯时失脚摔倒了。
stumble和tumble在某些情况下可以通用,但它们之间存在细微差别。stumble更常用于形容脚步不稳、磕绊摔倒的情况。tumble则更多指从某个地方摔下来,或是身体大幅度地翻滚。具体来说,tumble作为动词时,既可作不及物动词,也可作及物动词。例如:She tumbled down the stairs.这里描述的是她从楼梯上摔了...
“trip”:常用于描述因踩到某物而绊倒,如“He tripped over the cable.”(他绊到了电线。) “fall”:一个更广泛的词,可以表示任何形式的摔倒或倒下,如“She fell down the stairs.”(她从楼梯上摔了下来。) “encounter by chance”:表示偶然遇到或发现,如“I stumbled upon(或encountered by chance)this...
Jan Larsen
1.He stumbled as he walked down the stairs, almost falling. 2.The singer stumbled over her words during the song. 3.I stumbled on a hidden path through the forest. 4.I figuratively stumbled many times when learning a new language. 5.The company's profits have been stumbling due to the...
like climbing a set of stairs with no little steps in between. The spacing between these levels depends on the mass of the electrons and the strength of the magnetic field, so as the magnetic field increases, the energy levels of the electrons should increase by set amounts based entir...
17. It is like going down a flight of stairs rapidly. Pay no attention to the movement of your feet, and they flit over the steps with never a sign of hesitancy or faltering. But try to watch them step by step, and you will either have to slow up or you will presently miss a st...