My nose is stuffed every night when I go to sleep but clears if I use nose drops. I wake up with ringing in my ears and a headache. I am sometimes disoriented and a bit "foggy brained" I just don't know what is happening to me. I know that I have TMJ and that I have many ...
Yeah, me too. It's probably going to take me a few more years to let my pandemic paranoia calm down. But one thing we can all agree on is that no one likes astuffed-up nose or clogged-up sinuses. During the summer months, it seems as if the misery is worse. conradcress, ThinkS...
Put a towel over your head and around the sink or bowl edge. Breathe in until the temperature drops to ease a stuffy nose. If just one side of your nose is clogged, lay on the opposite side of your body and the nostrils may drain. Show More Tips Submit a Tip All tip submissions ...
When you have a cold or when your allergies are acting up, we know you're looking for any way to get rid of the nasal congestion that comes along with it. The inside of your nose swells up when it's irritated and gives you that stuffy feeling, but there are so many effective home...