1) stuffing box seal ring 填料盒密封圈2) junk ring 密封圈,密封环,填料圈,填料函压盖,压环,衬圈3) Packing seal 填料密封 1. Application study of Packing Seal Group for Oxygen Compressor; 1500氧气压缩机填料密封组应用研究 2. An available structure design for the combination of soft - ...
rings (44,46) so that outer diameter (OD5, OD6) the first and second sealing rings (44,46) engagement (ID3 internal diameters, ID4) the first and second bezel ring,s (40, (440 are separately connected. Support ring (36) and the first sealing ring (44) and the first lid (40)....
It has two stem sealing: one isstuffing boxand another is toroidal sealing ring ( O - ring ) . 本阀阀杆密封分为两种形式: 一为填料密封;一为O型 密封环 密封. 互联网 Gland Eye Bolts: Eyebolts swing aside for ease in repacking thestuffing box. ...
Stuffing box seal - has gland producing radial tensions and seal packing with several composite sealing rings laid loose on each otherThe rings (7) are made up of a sheet metal ring (8) and at least one foil (9) of sealing graphite connected with it. The packing can have a metal free...
1) stuffing-box 填料密封箱 1. The structure principle ofstuffing-boxes of the AG-scrubber is presented. 介绍了环缝洗涤塔填料密封箱的构造原理,分析了渗漏油、水、煤气的原因及解决的办法。 更多例句>> 2) Sealing ring for Stuffing box 填料箱密封环 ...
stuffing box 美 英 na.【机】填充[填料]函 网络填料函;填料箱;填料盒 英汉 英英 网络释义 na. 1. 【机】填充[填料]函 释义: 全部,填充[填料]函,填料函,填料箱,填料盒
stuffing box 美 英 na.【机】填充[填料]函 网络填料函;填料箱;填料盒 英汉 英英 网络释义 na. 1. 【机】填充[填料]函 释义: 全部,填充[填料]函,填料函,填料箱,填料盒
It has two stem sealing: one is stuffing box and another is toroidal sealing ring ( O - ring ) .───本阀阀杆密封分为两种形式: 一为填料密封;一为O型 密封环 密封. Stuffing box finish to 63 RMS or better.───填料箱抛光度达到63RMS以上. Gland eye bolts: eye bolts are securely fasten...
stuff′ing box` n. a device for preventing leakage of gases or liquids along a moving rod or shaft at the point at which it leaves a cylinder, tank, ship hull, etc. Also calledgland. [1790–1800] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyrigh...
4) oil sealing gland 油封填料函 5) pressure ring for stuffing box 填料函压环 6) glandless circulating pump 无填料函循环泵 补充资料:填料函填料 分子式: CAS号: 性质:又称填料函填料或螺旋盘根。主要用于填塞反应釜、搅拌器、泵等旋转轴或往复活塞杆及阀杆轴贯通处的填料函(stuffing box),以抑止旋转或往复运...