Want to come back to this simple stuffed animal storage solution later? Just pin the image below! Keep up with more of myself and the Circus’ shenanigans on social media: Facebook|Instagram|Pinterest|Twitter 920shares Share Tweet Primary Sidebar ...
storage option, as the bars of the “jail” or zoo are movable and will bend, allowing your children to pull out the stuffed animal they want to play with without having to call for help from an adult. The child can then either toss the animal back in over the top or shove it back...
Stuffed animal storage solution, Part II416 shares Facebook45 Twitter Pinterest371 LinkedIn When I spotted this beanbag on Amazon, and shared it on our Facebook page, readers really liked it. Then I found this one. As I have mentioned before, my kids have a ginormous collection of Webkinz...
- [...] Stuffed animal chairs are a genius way to keep the toys out of the way and make them useful… 32 Toy Organizing Ideas and DIY's Every Parent Needs - Ritely- [...] in these storage units (as long as you teach the kids to leave their toys in the ...