Strathmore toned tan sketchbook 9″x12″BlickorAmazon Electric eraser:Blickor Amazon T-Square I am trying to draw more things from life. I think it helps you get better at conveying realistic forms with weight. I hope this will translate into more depth in my paintings when I paint from p...
It's a poem about feeling ANONYMOUS repression in the 21st century, by a person who decides to REMOVE ALL SUBSCRIBERS from his LIST and STOP DISTRIBUTION when he feels that technology based in the 80's is restricting his ability to write whatever he wants in his emails. Eric Snyder; after...
Eventually I settled on a ‘I’m bored of side on dinosaurs’ view looking right down the barrel. Looking back at this I think I was going to be a lot more daring with the integument. I mean look at all that stuff on the sketch. Anyhow, here’s the final product which required a...
Look at this 11×14″ Sharpie sketch of Pittsburgh Penguins goalie Matt Murray. It’s not bad, and I don’t think I’m bragging when I say its better than what the average person could do. But if I focused on these ink sketches for the next five years, in 2022, I’ll look back ...
The colored lighting was done with some LED strips and an arduino. The sketch was painfully simple. Just first row on, wait a second, off, wait a half second, second row on, wait a half second, off, then wait a half second and then repeat. The most challenging part was soldering up...
Okay, this is only a quickly colored sketch with some random ideas I came up with when I was bored at work.. I hope you enjoy it either way. ^^" Aaaaand, that's all so far, now I shall go back to finish some sketches.. See you later!
Admittedly, it’s a cherry picked thumbnail sketch – not a comprehensive analysis. It does, however, clearly show how flat tax cuts, constantly touted as a fiscal stimulant, merely re-distributes money upward, while programmes targeted at reducing financial burdens on the working /middle class ...