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Hidden away from the world like shameful secrets and repeatedly told that they are at fault for their condition and that the only good thing they can do now is give up their babies for adoption to a loving couple, the girls seek any way to take back a little control over their lives ...
These party games and ideas are not only for birthdays. Teenagers have a unique way to celebrate just anything in life, if we allow them. Wallow through these free party game ideas for teens and do not be fooled, these fun games can be played at any event where teenagers are present, f...
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Why? Well, I’ve been harbouring a hankering to write some fiction for a while now, and this anniversary seems like as good a time as any to jump in and get started. To quote from the Who Are You Then? bumf I wrote at the outset of this endeavour – “I’d like to write a ...
Female characters in children’s movies have come a long ways, and Virginia emerges as a strong character who isn’t artificially so. Her actions and attitudes are a reflection of today’s young girls and teens who, at the very least, are theequalsex. ...
Still, he was pumped about getting into that air chamber while some of the teens in his group were nervous. Here’s our fearless flyer. That last photo was snapped just as the instructor picked up his feet and they shot up to the top of the wind chamber. Twice! It was thrilling. ...
visit their ancestral home that happens to be the site of a concentration camp is enough to get one started. The unexpected ups and downs of the film are what makes it so enjoyable; a great group exercise among people who have seen the film would be to ask, “What is this film about...
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