As poker legend Daniel Negreanu stated, “Poker is a game of skill, with a touch of luck. The best players know how to use both to their advantage.” One of the key elements of Poker Ceme is bluffing. Knowing when to bluff and when to fold is crucial in this game, as it can ...
I am trying to draw more things from life. I think it helps you get better at conveying realistic forms with weight. I hope this will translate into more depth in my paintings when I paint from photos too. Artists are never “done” we don’t stop learning. How could we, there is j...
Itryto be unbiased, I really do – I sincerely try to just grab a sample out of the basket and put it on for the first time without looking at the name or the notes, only looking at the vial when I have a preliminary feel for what’s on my skin. Repeat testings, of course, c...
We are usually great at working, learning, eating and sleeping simply because there are rules about those but when it comes to fun and play we easily neglect. We make up for that neglect with a quick TV show or ten, computer game or two, jumping in the car in search of fun by means...
That wasn’t his name, but to avoid picking on a kid at a time that should not define what kind of person they are at their core, I’m changing his name. This little disclaimer should not be considered foreshadowing, but hey, draw your own conclusions. The two people in charge of ...
Depending on weather conditions, you can introduce more weather words (with pictures … you can get students to draw them), such as: stormy misty showery freezing humid frosty icy drizzly New learning and practice: 1. Teach rooms vocabularyBefore class, cut out 6 pictures of household objects ...
Well, that’s just not enough to hurt it. Unfortunately, even with the best of luck, your fists just aren’t going to cut it; this dragon is tougher than that. Draw your epic longsword? Come up with a daring maneuver to topple some heavy crates onto your foe? Parlay with the beast...
Let your tactile learners express themselves by drawing and making things. Have them draw a scene with new vocabulary that they have just learned, or build and make things with lego or play doh.Craftsare also a great way to teach and reinforce new vocabulary. ...
If your cats are anything like mine then they like to climb. A lot. It is instinctual for all cats no matter their size. So how do you keep them happy when you want them off things like your bookshelves and your furniture? People might tell you to get a tree or get a condo. That...
On the Sunday, I made my first major change of direction, when I decided I’d not doneKotlinin a while, and I wanted to flex those muscles a bit too. So Irewrote what I had so far in Kotlin, with a view that it would be nice to keep working in that language for the rest of...