THE CALLER- An indoors or outdoors NIGHT-TIME teen party game. Play this game in the dark only. Turn off all the lights of the house, not a single light should be on. Hand one person a cell phone - this person with the phone must hide away from the others. The other guests should...
Furthermore, Alberotle reveals (although in crude terms) that many Native Americans consider an eclipse a bad omen, and required to observe this sacred day by remaining indoors and refraining from their daily activities. Paulato’s recent bout of food poisoning inspires the second topic of ...
It is always a good idea to microchip your pet, even indoors-only ones. Be SURE to register the chip with an international database and keep your info current. We always encourage our clients to list us as their veterinarian so that if they can’t be reached timely, we can be given ...
Decidedly different,Sugar Plum’sBreakable Chocolate Christmas Wreath Gift Set (complete with mallet) is sure to bring a smile and maybe a surge of passion. This wreath has nothing to do with pine needles; it’s 12 ounces of decadent milk chocolate carefully molded into a gorgeous wreath shape...
Dining restrictions mean that you’ll need to start your outdoor celebration early – you have to be finished by 10pm. This gives you an unusual opportunity to celebrate twice, in effect, once outside with your friends and family, and a second time, indoors, with your television, computer...
But back to the boys, who, for their next trip in 1911, accepted a challenge to ride horseback from New York to San Francisco in 60 days. One of the conditions of the challenge was that they agreed not to eat or sleep indoors at any point of the journey. But while setting a record...
Our initial instincts are to stay warm and cozy during blizzard-stricken months, huddled indoors with blankets, warm drinks, a crackling fire and taking in an unhealthy amount of Netflix, while silently praying that our neighbour or significant other will shovel the walkway. Winters have such gr...
Obstacle courses can be so EASY to create and there are ENDLESS possibilities when it comes to creating your own. Using them indoors or outdoors, the glory of creating your own obstacle course is that you can use whatever materials you have on hand. With a little imagination, you can turn...
The sweaty summers of the mid 1970s give way to cooler climes indoors, as a block of sandstone pulled from the red-and-orange rocks of the Djadokhta Formation in Mongolia’s southern Gobi Desert finds itself in Ulaanbator, the nation’s capital. Initially discovered during one of the joi...
to remove moisture from your hands pretty quickly and can really do some harm to them over time. With our field stone base we started with the flattest rocks near the bottom to begin building upwards. As we mortared we added additional layers on top until we got to the desired height. ...