Sometimes self care is pushing yourself to do something you don’t want to do because doing that thing will ultimately help you. Sometimes it’s hard to tell.Is this self care?is an exploration of that difficulty. It can be used in the midst of self-doubt and anxiety – or in preparat...
For once, I was more interested in the stuff than in the people, and I rather regret that because when I took a moment to actually talk with the people they were…well, I guess you could call them retirement-age trainotaku. They were obsessive, but reserved until encouraged. One guy, ...
so when ones come up that threaten your way of being, you learn to automatically think before acting, recognize that just as we all operate in different ways, we all also like to deal with our situations differently too, and the way I can personally best ...
But pain itself is even more complex. Often, it's how pain signals are processed in the nerves, or in the brain that perpetuates the pain. Other factors, like stress and anxiety, can amplify pain. This complexity is why treatin...
richmond Dental helps anxious patients in Hawkesbury overcome their anxiety and receive dental care. Kindly book an arrangement today atsedation dental in Richmond. Many individuals have dental uneasiness to some extent since they are utilized to dental practices that are, in all honesty, tension ...
and I’ve been extremely inactive for the last few months. Add that to what’s already been an anxiety-ridden year (my anxiety levels are definitely tied to depression), and you’ve got a big old batch of depression brewing. And even though I KNOW that exercise will make me feel a mi...
Doing the work on Everyday Psalms: Ancient Prayers in Everyday Language was one of the greatest prayer experiences of my life. I’m excited to share it with you that it might be a good companion […] Faithbypete santucciDec 21, 2023 ...
t take in proper breath. I imagine releasing my shoulders and try to picture butter melting. Sometimes this helps me, this morning it starts the feeling that there is a burning tight knot from my left ear that burns through my body stabbing like hot metal though my lungs and it grabs ...
Other than that, our stay was very relaxing. Each room has a mini fridge. No microwave or television! We knew this ahead of time and packed a few games and cards. The lobby is set up so you can relax with your family, near the fireplace or overlooking the lobby in the “balcony”....
but sometimes we find ourselves facing an entirely new or challenging season of life, and that doesn’t always feel as easy. Things like a new job, kids moving out of the house (or back in), dealing with health issues, or grief and loss, can usher in feelings of anxiety, fear, or ...