99% of the content I post here is about Configuration Manager, Intune, Microsoft in general. This...Date: 12/06/2015CM2012 R2 CU2 is outCU2 went live today and as with all CU's only install if you are experiencing the issues that it......
11. to remain inactive or unused: his car sat in the garage for a year. 12. to rest or lie as specified: the nut was sitting so awkwardly that he couldn't turn it. 13. (Clothing & Fashion) (of a garment) to fit or hang as specified: that dress sits well on you. 14. ...
I left Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom comparing it to the most recent Godzilla movie that came out in 2014. It was exquisitely shot, but to what end? There was far too much focus on bland human characters and whatever the hell they’re up to and not nearly enough on the giant goddamn...
Another great example would be my story “The Dedication of the High Priestess” (spoilers for a story that came out in 2022). As I said, that story starts with my protagonist Annie already having modeled for a famous artist. She then goes through the gallery, which then causes her to ...
and those who saw their books land during a time of zooming and not putting pants on and generally turning very weird. And, of course, during a time when often there was not enough emotional bandwidth to seek out new works, as many have experienced loss and change in a way that we’re...
(semi-)automated photography sets capable of delivering 360° or freely rotable panoramas and photogrammetry-suited image sets – and what not. It’s a zoo out there. And any company you ask is 100% certain that one of their products offers the (in capital letters and bold type, underlined...
While out to dinner one night, we were psyched to discover that our waitress spoke a tiny bit of English. But every time we pointed to something on the menu and asked, “What/how is this?” she would answer in a singsongy voice: “I don’t know whazz good for you, I just know ...
We’ll be posting photos that@MorbidThoughtsand others have taken at shows, new and old. Morbid is running thru his backlog of AEE2019 shots, and who knows where we’ll go from there… only one way to find out… FOLLOW US! Here’s all of our social media links, in order of activi...
that shit is. The night of the auction we were leaving the bar and heading up to our room when the elevator door opened and out came Bernie Wrightson. With his ever present smile. He was wearing one of these smoking jackets. We looked at each other and said “Well, no.. that’s ...
First up we have a Max for Live plug-in that’s perfect for sucking, rhythmic noise, heated build-ups and plunging drops. It’s a noise generator with multiple wave types, a resonant filter and an ADSR envelope which are all easily mappable to Push or other controllers via a handy Lemur...