Easter "Stuff" is now appearing on our seasonal display shelves! Our display fixture near the check-out counter is now FULL of a TON of... SPRING Flags (featuring, flowers, birds, insects, et. al.)! Be sure to take advantage of our recently updated bribes, ...er, "incentives" to ...
May I introduce mywine cork reindeer herd.Each of these little guys is hand crafted, which means a day full of finger-gluing, pin-stabbing, and craft-store-panic-attack fun. But they are pretty damn cute. Consider this my official Christmas photo, because I spent so much time on them, ...
Please Like Little Giraffes on FB! Story Props in Teaching Ideas Share/Bookmark The sites below feature pictures of story characters or sequencing cards for the story. They are listed in alphabetical order. There are two sections: Book Sites and Nursery Rhyme Sites. Some suggestions for using...
Coffee Talk Regulation: The FTC Struggles (Like The Rest Of Us) With The Commercial Speech Question By:Brian J. Meli Returning to our long-running question of what constitutes commercial speech in the modern era (i.e. the era of advertising masquerading as “content”), we turn our attentio...
I used to read in the great room, near my family as they did other things. Now, they can usually find me curled into that P5 like a kangaroo baby in a mama’s pouch. My husband and I actually joke that we may never, errrr, talk and laugh in bed again because once you sink int...
or export of any game animal" for use as a pet. But some animals can be owned as pets, like reindeer, llamas, and one-humped camels (dromedaries), as long as they aren't released into the wild. Some species can be temporarily released for the purpose of hunting or falcon training. ...
“reindeer”. All those who are holding a reindeer get up and walk across the circle to sit in a seat that was vacated by someone else. This goes pretty smoothly until you start to pick up the pace by calling TWO cutouts at once, then THREE, then FOUR. You can vary the game by ...
Reindeer FoodClick here for Printable Letter & PoemLeave this letter, 2 bags (oats and gold glitter), 2 spoons and the labels to be “found” by your class. You can add the ingredients to a Christmas ziplock bag or make a reindeer lunch bag like the one below....
This year we decided to make penguins- one of my son’s favorite animals (and we had already done snowmen, reindeer, Santas, and Christmas light ornaments in previous years). My kids loved filling the ornaments with pompom balls for this project. We used a variety of hollow plastic bulbs ...
“Just like the rest of ‘em. We’ll see how bloody clever you are tomorrow when you’re crying into the bowl of coal I presume you’ll be eating for breakfast.” He looked down at his work, satisfied. The stocking had pictures of happy elves frolicking with equally elated reindeer in...