- - 问题描述: 在CANoe、CANalyzer软件运行过程中出现Stuff Error(CAN通信): 问题分析及解决方案: Stuff Error通常是物理原因引起的, 常见的解决方案如下: 请确保总线上接了匹配电阻(通常是在相离最远的两个节点处分别接一个120Ω的终端电阻)
Stuff Errors occur in CAN communication during CANoe, CANalyzer software operation: Solution: Stuff Error is usually caused by physical reasons, common solutions are as follows: Make sure that the bus is connected to a matching resistor (usually a 120 Ω terminating resistor at each of the two ...
Stuff Errors occur in CAN communication during CANoe, CANalyzer software operation: Solution: Stuff Error is usually caused by physical reasons, common solutions are as follows: Make sure that the bus is connected to a matching resistor (usually a 120 Ω terminating resistor at each of the two ...