- - 问题描述: 在CANoe、CANalyzer软件运行过程中出现Stuff Error(CAN通信): 问题分析及解决方案: Stuff Error通常是物理原因引起的, 常见的解决方案如下: 请确保总线上接了匹配电阻(通常是在相离最远的两个节点处分别接一个120Ω的终端电阻)
Stuff Errors occur in CAN communication during CANoe, CANalyzer software operation: Solution: Stuff Error is usually caused by physical reasons, common solutions are as follows: Make sure that the bus is connected to a matching resistor (usually a 120 Ω terminating resistor at each of the two ...
CAN卡StuffError的原因包括电路短路或开路故障、CAN线路噪声、时序问题、电源线路问题、板卡故障。 CAN卡StuffError的原因一般有以下几种:电路短路或开路故障:由于线路连接失败,导致某些信号无法正常传输,从而导致CAN卡StuffError。CAN线路噪声:CAN线路传输过程中,由于外界噪声干扰,或者电磁兼容性问题会导致CAN信号发生抖动,...
■ Transceiver CAN high(pin 7) : error (refer to yellow and red color)※ Other item of my company : - CAN frame is transmitted correctly (refer to yellow color which is CAN high at Transceiver) - You can see id, DLC, Data frame (refer to blue color)■ Transceiver -> CANoe : 2 ...
He’s also competed in three Olympic Games to win both Gold and Silver medals in Sprint Canoe, and stuff. Larry Cain: #1 Improving Technique with Drills #2 Entry Drill #3 Gathering Drill #4 Catch Drill #5 Applying the Catch Drill #6 The Middle of the Stroke #7 Exit Drill #8 ...
■ Transceiver -> CANoe : 2 errors(Stuff error, Form error)■ MCU : S32K144 (64pin) - CAN TX : 51pin (PTC7, CAN1_TX) - CAN RX : 52pin (PTC6, CAN1_RX)■ Transceiver : TJA1057■ Schematic (I attached it) - TRK-KEA 2014 Freescale...
Stuff Errors occur in CAN communication during CANoe, CANalyzer software operation: Solution: Stuff Error is usually caused by physical reasons, common solutions are as follows: Make sure that the bus is connected to a matching resistor (usually a 120 Ω terminating resistor at each of the two ...
■ Transceiver -> CANoe : 2 errors(Stuff error, Form error)■ MCU : S32K144 (64pin) - CAN TX : 51pin (PTC7, CAN1_TX) - CAN RX : 52pin (PTC6, CAN1_RX)■ Transceiver : TJA1057■ Schematic (I attached it) - TRK-KEA 2014 Freescale...