$TICK inserts the current CPU tick count, while $FILEPOS inserts the current file position. $TICK displays a time counter in hex, but otherwise both work as advertised and are documented and official. There is just a good chance nobody knows them, since –reasonably – no one thought of ...
Configure the sway bar.bar { #strip_workspace_numbers yes position top mode dock status_padding 4 tray_padding 4 I pipe the status command through a wrapper, which makes extra modifications to the output.status_command i3status | ~/.config/sway/i3status_wrapper.py ...
A dictionary with keys 'x' and 'y' for the position of the element in the pageFor example, open a new file editor tab and enter the following program:from selenium import webdriver browser = webdriver.Firefox() browser.get('https://inventwithpython.com') try: elem = browser.find_element...
omits the chances of error, provides accuracy, and brings you closer to the updated era. It is pretty tough to take care of the matters when you are looking at so many other perspectives as well. If you are a contractor
You can determine the mouse’s current position by calling the pyautogui.position() function, which will return a Point named tuple of the mouse cursor’s x and y positions at the time of the function call. Enter the following into the interactive shell, moving the mouse around after each...
Anyways. Using the earlier technique, I wrote another Ruby script that generated EAGLE commands to position all the LEDs according to this scheme. The scripting here was really crucial, because I had to try out multiple tweaks before I got everything just right, and without a script, I would...
Firstly, a bit of CSS to make each cover the entire page, and hidden when the page loads (imagine a deck of cards, but you can’t see the first one yet). section { display: none; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } Next, a bit of JavaScrip...
Relative to intellectual lethargy, could it be that we’ve arrived at a time in history where it’s no longer possible to actually convince or convert anyone to a position other than the ones they already hold? What I’m saying is that, for virtue’s sake, I get the sense that most ...
<ouch> We had an error such that if the match occurred in the first position the enclosing <> was incorrectly displayed.</ouch> If you plan to experiment with the target strings used to illustrate usage of the various meta characters we have thoughtfully replicated them below to save you al...
Gaisma A site for those who verify the location of a photo by the position of the sun. It is very much inferior in functionality to http://timeanddate.com, but its interface is much simpler.AviationLinkDescription Skyvector tool is designed for planning private flights. And you can find an...