quake. Weather the next threat after earthquake. Christchurch's 7.1 quake. Powerful quake rocks South Island. 71 quake: Key information. And then we were both thrown to the floor . it was like being in a big washing machine.". We thought it was an intruder, we thought we were be......
Mobile phones have made pagers less popular than they were in the mid-1990s, but paging (or radio paging, to give it its full name) is still a vitally important form of sending messages—especially for doctors and emergency workers. Let's take a look at how it works!
Now they’re talking about the massive refugee camp across the border in Jordan, the fourth largest city in the country, the Za’atari refugee camp, 2nd largest camp in the world, with 120,000 Syrians, trapped in the camp, until they can return to Syria after the civil war is over. ...