While leveraging technology and media to engage and inspire students in their academic pursuits, StudySync provides educators with an easy-to-use platform to deliver adaptable, interactive, and equitable learning solutions. Access For All Our products are built for all learners, because every student ...
8:00 PM - 9:00 PM UTCBasic Training with StudySync Register Now ThursdayJanuary 30, 2025 11:00 PM - 11:30 PM UTCDifferentiate for All Learners: EL/ELL Development Resources Register Now FridayJanuary 31, 2025 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM UTCThe Coaching Cycle Tools: Pathways to StudySync Success...
StudySync is a core literacy solution for grades 6-12 with hundreds of core texts, dynamic video and media guaranteed to inspire and advance reading, writing, l…
随着教育科技的不断发展,StudySyncUp 也在不断迭代和创新。未来,StudySyncUp 将继续优化用户体验,增加更多实用功能,努力成为学习者的最佳伙伴。同时,通过不断引入前沿的 AI 技术,StudySyncUp 还会增强对用户学习习惯的分析与理解,提供更加个性化的学习建议。 在使用 StudySyncUp 的旅程中,用户不仅能够享受到学习带来的成...
In our inter-connected world, reading, writing and critical thinking skills are more important than ever. StudySync motivates students to read and write at...
StudySync 是一款旨在提高学习效率和组织性的应用程序,它提供了一系列的工具,如基于人工智能的学习提示、音乐推荐、番茄工作法计时器等。这些功能旨在帮助用户更好地规划学习时间和内容,从而提升学习效果和生产力。欢迎使用这套专为学习与生产力设计的辅助工具!
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We’ve updated our privacy policy (“Privacy Policy") so that it more accurately describes our practices. Let us know if you have any questions. BookheadEd Learning, LLC, a subsidiary of Imagine Learning LLC d/b/a StudySync (hereinafter “Imagine Learning”, “we” or “us”), is ...
StudySync has launched Unit Creator, a new tool designed to help teachers create new English language arts units for students in grades 6 to 12 from scratch.
StudySync SyncTV Episode: Students Discuss Sandra Cisneros’ Short Story “Eleven” In the SyncTV episodes, a group of students model a strong discussion about a StudySync text. During the discussion, they: Support their statements with evidence and details from the text. ...