作为英国文化教育协会举办的年度旗舰活动之一,本届British Council年会总共有超过50所英国高校派出代表参加,吸引了超过1000家留学机构和国际学校的代表。近日,青岛英吉孚国际教育有限公司总经理孙林先生EGF CEO SUNLIN应邀出席了在北京举办的英国文化教育协会2025教育机构年度会议——中国专场。在现场时,青岛英吉孚国际教育有限...
The British Council, where you can also find a lot of information about everything to do with your international study experience. Student organisations There are several popular student organisations for international students in the UK, including: The Student Union is the most important student orga...
Apply to study in the UK from Singapore 13 Apr 2024 Singapore and the UK have close ties in the field of education. In 2011, around 3,000 Singaporeans were studying in the UK, while according to the British Council, "Twinning... ...
Imperial English UK British Council accredited for English language learning in the UK with quality guaranteed. Apply Now English Courses in Birmingham General English Language Programme (16 hours) General English with IELTS Programme (21 hours) IELTS Programme Groups Only (16 / 21 hours) Pre-...
Why Study in UK? Learn from some of the world's best academics and experts in some of world’s most prestigious universities and benefit from their exceptional academic support. Study alongside some of the finest and brilliant minds and hone your skills using state-of-the-art technology. Avail...
The British Council, where you can also find a lot of information about everything to do with your international study experience. Student organisations There are several popular student organisations for international students in the UK, including: The Student Union is the most important student orga...
最近英国教育机构一边辟谣一边送福利,这不,英国文化教育协会(British Council)免费为本国大学未入学的国际新生提供线上课程。 课程名为‘Study UK: Prepare to Study and Live in the UK’/《赴英留学:在英学习与生活备忘》,为期4周,每周3小时。此次课程立意向学子传达赴英需要的与学习与生活相关的资讯 - 熟识...
British Council, Study UK, and Great logos We’ve given away thousands of free digital upgrades The Study UK campaign has now ended. However, you can stilllearn for freeon Futurelearn. Find the course for you 4.8(58reviews) 6 weeks ...
“A trusted partner of the British High Commission promoting education in the UK.” Exelinks is a British Council and ICEF (CCEA Canada & IEAC Ireland) Certified Agency, and is also a proud member of EAIE in Europe. News, Events & Updates ...
正值2023年留英申请季,英国文化教育协会将特别举办继续为大家带来“Study UK 留学英国”直播活动,本期线上讲座主题为“Study UK 留学英国—计算机及相关专业介绍”。 在直播过程中,我们将携手来自于四所英国院校的特邀嘉宾,帮助大家了解英国计算机以及相关专业的课程...