including three-dimensional display,interactive measurement,display and editing of attribute data,whicn may intuitively understand the sublot boundary and forest form of topography,slope,aspect and block in Erdao forest farm,instead of physical model or sand table used for experimental study and forest...
This 3D model was originally created with Sketchup 6 and then converted to all other 3D formats. Native format is .skp 3dsmax scene is 3ds Max 2016 version, rendered with Vray 3.00 A Room with columns in Chinese style. Almost I used all the elements in Chinese style that I...
Our virtual environment is a recreation of a portion of an existing historic downtown area of a mid-sized US city. To build this virtual environment, the research team utilized the 3D modeling program SketchUp (2015, Version 16.0.1) to convert digital assets of a base model. The Unity Game...
中编写 MODEL 实现 MODIS 数据雪深反演运算(图 3);2)根据实测雪深样点经纬度信息,确定其在雪深反 演图中对应像元位置,提取像 元数值;3)将反演结果与 2005 - 0l - 0l 实测雪深数据逐点对比分析(表l)。 图3 2005 年 2 月 3 日研究区域雪深反演结果 Fig. 3 Image of snow depth on Feb. 3th,...
SketchUp在小型建筑设计中的应用研究---优秀毕业论文参考文献可复制黏贴 热度: 相关推荐 Originalpapers Control,trust,power,andthedynamicsofinformationsystem outsourcingrelationships:Aprocessstudyofcontractual softwaredevelopment AriHeiskanen a, * ,MikeNewman b ,MerjaEklin c a UniversityofOulu,DepartmentofInfo...
1.1.2.TableofContents TableofContents 2.Introduction Reference[1]providesaparallelcontext herewith:-“TheactivityofLife-CycleCost (LCC) forecasting using Reliability, Availability,andMaintainabilityorRAM modelingtechniquesisnotnew,butthere havebeenrecentdevelopmentswhichhave resultedinafundamentalchangeinthe ...
Table2 Differentfrictioncoefficientsamongtowns 公路等级 距离摩擦指数 b 高速公路 1.4 一级公路 1.6 二级公路 1.8 二级以下公路 2.0 由图 2 可知,临安市城镇体系中,较强的空间联 系主要出现在锦城街道及其周边城镇(玲珑街道、太 湖源镇、高虹镇、横畈镇、青山湖街道、板桥乡、上甘 街道),并通过杭昱高速公路向西...
SketchUp was used to geometrically model the Yezhai Central Building Group. According to the principle of architectural similarity, the buildings were simplified into cuboid shapes and modeled according to actual dimensions, which is conducive to improving computational efficiency. Taking the layout of ...
Table 1. Used hardware. 2.2. Used Software The main software used to recreate the visualization of the Vltava River Valley was a game engine. Each game engine has strengths and features that cater to different development needs, allowing developers to choose the one that best suits their proj...
(.ai), and SketchUP (.skp). For this study, the 3D model was created in Rhino 5 3dm file type. Within the selected boundary, there is a total of 330 buildings. Only 173 (52%) of the 3D buildings have the building height data from the CADmapper, and the remaining 48% of the ...