KuteCat have Pomodoro Timer, it is a science-based app that will motivate you to stay focused and get things done. It brings Pomodoro Technique and IQ Test in…
StudySmarter is much different from the other Study Planning Apps on this list. This platform is not just a study planner but an entire application devoted to enhancing and modifying the studying experience of its users itself. StudySmarter also provides all its users with tools and features like...
Experimenting with different study habits is vital. What works for one student may not work for another. Some may find that studying in short bursts followed by breaks increases their productivity—known as the Pomodoro Technique—while others might prefer longer uninterrupted sessions. Creating a con...
Download Focus Flow today and discover the power of the pomodoro technique. Study smarter, not harder. Achieve more in less time. Enter the flow state and enjoy the process of learning. 版本记录 2024年7月2日 版本1.10.0 Bug fixes and Stability Improvements ...
Use the Pomodoro technique to avoid procrastination While scheduling time to do homework will help with general procrastination, sometimes you’ll come across an assignment that feels like a slog. For some people, it will be research papers; for others, reading assignments or problem sets. ...
Study smarter, not harder! 22 Best Study Websites for Students Online Education Platforms1. EdX2. Coursera 3. eTutorWorld4. Khan Academy5. CosmoLearning6. Academic Earth7. Big Think8. BrightstormFlashcard Study Websites for Students9. Brainscape10. QuizletFocus and Time Management Apps11. For...
Vaia (formerly StudySmarter) is a helpful study-planning app that lets you collaborate with other students from around the world. To help you save time, the app allows for shareable flashcards. This means that you can search for and use flashcards that other users have already made which ...
I wish people that don’t understand could switch brains with us for a while. It would be really nice to have one that functioned “normally” (as society expects) without medication. Michael says: January 6, 2015 Was surprised how the pomodoro technique worked 4 me absolutely awesome: ...
With its elegant, simple design, Time Tango cuts through the clutter, providing a distraction-free experience for those serious about boosting productivity. Enter into the world of the Pomodoro Technique and discover the art of working smarter, not harder. ...
Download Focus Flow today and discover the power of the pomodoro technique. Study smarter, not harder. Achieve more in less time. Enter the flow state and enjoy the process of learning. more What’s New Version History Version 1.10.0 Bug fixes and Stability Improvements Ratings...