Study 5 2 Corinthians 4:7~5:10-哥 2 Corinthians 4:7~5:10 神为什么把4:6所说的「宝贝」放在一个软弱的器皿——就是放在人的脆弱人性的瓦器里呢?这种安排怎样在实际的经验中见诸于实施呢?参4:7-12。用信心的眼睛来看,现今的苦楚显得怎样,而到末了又可以见到所期望的什么事物呢?参4:13-18。 保罗...
Study 9 2 Corinthians 8:16~9:15-哥林多后书-研经日课 2 Corinthians 8:16~9:15 今天的经文分为两部分。8:16-24是第一部分,保罗在这里解释他打发提多和另外二人到哥林多去的原因,并对它们大家称赞。第9章是第二部分,保罗在这里指出乐意而又慷慨捐输的福气。 保罗对该夸奖的便夸奖,我们从他这种善尽义务...
Study 1 2 Corinthians 1:1-11-哥林多后书-研经日课 2 Corinthians 1:1-11 保罗在惯例的问安和介绍之后,便以颂赞之词作为他这封书信的开端。保罗特别因神本性的哪些方面而颂赞祂呢?你认为在这卷书信中为什么要特地将它们挑选出来呢?我们从保罗作基督徒的经验中,关于他个人与神的关系上,能学到任何新的功课吗...
第12节的意思是指他们会对保罗有任何拘束的感觉,并非由于他缺乏爱心而起,而是由于他们本身心肠狭窄而起。 2. 6:14-7:1。这是一段插入的语句,用来阐明保罗叫他的读者开广他们的爱心,他的意思不是指放宽对罪容忍的尺度。”彼列”在这里是撒但的一个别名。 3. 7:10。”依着神的意思忧...
Pray for the ability to hear and recognize God's voice in your life, especially after acts of worship and giving. Bible Study Questions 1.How does Numbers 7 portray the concept of obedience to God's commands? 2.What can we learn from the detailed descriptions of the offerings given by ea...
A THREAD THAT CONNECTS A GOOD PORTION OF THE PAULINE TEXTS IN THE lectionary for Epiphany, Lent, and Holy Week is the theme of confessing Jesus as Lord. In... DE Fredrickson 被引量: 0发表: 1998年 2 Corinthians: A 12-Week Study A THREAD THAT CONNECTS A GOOD PORTION OF THE PAULINE TE...
Macarthur Bible Study: 2 CorinthiansJohn MacArthur
Chapter 7 The apostle answers several questions about marriage.(1-9)Married Christians should not seek to part from their unbelieving consorts.(10-16)Persons, in any fixed station, should usually abide in that.(17-24)It was most desirable, on account of the then perilous days, for people...
Please write to me if you have serious questions. ken @ NOTICE! RE: USE OF THESE ARTICLES FOR REPUBLISHING For more than ten years, I allowed many other webmasters to republish my articles, but due to much abuse, I have changed my policy, I kindly ask that you do...
Surely Paul was forced to suffer their harsh stares and questions. And yet God moved in a mighty way through this former persecutor. Despite Paul’s past, God had a specific plan for him, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, the apostle was used mightily to spread the gospel. ...