Rath LL (2009) Scientific ways to study intercessory prayer as an intervention in clinical research. J Perinat Neonat Nurs 23:71–77Rath, LL (2009) Scientific ways to study intercessory prayer as an intervention in clinical research. J Perinat Neonat Nurs 23: pp. 71-77...
Objective(s): Intercessory prayer (IP) is one of the newly recognized holistic treatment methods and its effectiveness has been documented on the management of different diseases such as coronary heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and infertility. This study aims to determine its effectiveness on fe...
Intercessory prayer on spiritual distress, spiritual coping, anxiety, depression and salivary amylase in breast cancer patients during radiotherapy: Randomized clinical trial. Journal of religion and health, 59, pp.365- 380. 14. Moosavi, S., Rohani, C., Borhani, F. and Akbari, M.E., ...
(2006), Moses, God, and the Dynamics of Intercessory Prayer: A Study of Exodus 32-34 and Numbers 13-14 – Michael Widmer. Religious Studies Review, 32: 188. doi: 10.1111/j.1748-0922.2006.00090_3.x Author Information Calvin College Publication History Issue published online: 7 NOV 2006 ...
The purpose of this study is to analyze prayer from three aspects: 1) Intercessory Prayer; 2) Transmitting Healing Energy by Laying-on of hands; 3) Attitudinal or Psychosomatic Healing in Japan. It proposes the possibility of spiritual healing for cancer patients and families by these three ...
Since we are in a spiritual battle, this probably means intercessory prayer teams and the like. Rebuilding Jerusalem's defenses so the enemy cannot control us is analogous to us building up spiritual defenses against Satan's temptations, so he cannot keep us weak (Ephesians 6:10-13). God ...
RESPONSIVE READING: Jesus prays for his disciples and for all who will ever believe in him (the Intercessory Prayer) (John 17: 1, 6, 19-23, 26) RELATED SCRIPTURE: Matt 6: 9-13; Luke 11: 2-4; Rom 5: 5; I Cor 12: 12, 13; Eph 2: 14-22 TIME LINE: Thursday of Passion Week...
"Praying"ispālal, "intervene, interpose, pray," used especially of intercessory prayer, where one person pleads before God on behalf of others.[162] "Confessing"isyādâ, "to confess," to convey the acknowledgment or confession of sin, individually or nationally.[163] ...
A Randomized Blinded Study of Intercessory Prayer in Patients with CancerDespite multiple studies of intercessory prayer added to medical care, no conclusions about its efficacy have been possible because there have been both positive and negative studies with variable metIan N. Olver...
The current randomized triple blinded study investigated the impact of intercessory prayer on the spiritual well-being of patients with cancer. Patients were blinded to the intervention. A total of 999 eligible patients were accrued from a metropolitan cancer center and randomly allocated to being ...