Elementary education A case study of the nature of activity in an informally-structured afterschool arts program STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT BINGHAMTON Jean A. Schmittau HughesElizabeth WThis case study explores the nature of activity in an art class that is part of the Alliance Program, ...
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Informally, however, nursing staff at public hospitals are usually allowed to sleep or rest for up to 2 h during 16-h night shifts18, and many nurses avail of this nap during the night shift19. However, it is difficult to sustain the beneficial effect of a single monophasic nap for the...
Aspects of data collection will be informally monitored by the research team, including recruitment and participants’ completion of assessment time-points. Adverse event reporting and harms {22} Participation is associated with minimal risk, particularly considering prior findings which did not indicate ...
The objective of this case study was to identify the role of finger gestures in learning mathematics informally during play, especially in sociocultural se
Answer true or false: Attitudes are hypothetical constructs which means that attitudes are inferred from the things people say, informally, in formal opinion polls, or through their behavior. The behavioral component of an attitude is either the intention...
We analyze networks of functional correlations between brain regions to identify changes in their structure caused by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (adhd). We express the task for finding changes as a network anomaly detection problem on tempo
From birth through the process of imitation and then independently or with peers or even adults, adolescents gradually informally acquire digital competences and skills, generally through media which become a source of information and learning. This is the case with YouTube, which has emerged as a...
Building clinician and organisation-level research translation capacity and capability is fundamental for increasing the implementation of research into health practice and policy and improving health outcomes. Research translation capacity and capabilit
Though the division between literacy and math is commonly reflected in the division between the arts and sciences, the findings suggest that reading, writing and arithmetic, the foundational skills informally identified as the three Rs, might actually overlap in ways not previously imagined, let alone...