popular culture 大众文化(popula:eulture)亦称“通俗文化”,指那些以广大群众或市民为对象的大众传播内容、各色各样的消费品,以及五花八门的娱乐活动。它与所谓的“高级文化”相对应,其传播对象不是少数受过或具有高等教养的人,内容也不是对某些文化或艺术精品、珍品的享用。大众文化的特点是通俗、浅显、简单、明快,...
The Cultural Studies and the Study of Popular CultureJohn Storey 文化研究与大众文化研究一直知道文化研究与大众传播的相关性,特别是暑假上了阿杰的课之后,更明确了要多多向文化研究的方向涉猎。这本书可以说是把两者都结合起来,章节分设得很明确也容易理解,对我来说,作为锻炼英文阅读的学术著作是很合适的。由于...
读书笔记《The Cultural Studies and the Study of Popular Culture》 The Cultural Studies and the Study of Popular Culture John Storey 文化研究与大众文化研究 一直知道文化研究与大众传播的相关性,特别是暑假上了阿杰的课之后,更明确了要多多向文化研究的方向涉猎。这本书可以说是把两者都结合起来,章节分设得...
University of the Western CapeHEIKEUniversity of the Western CapeResearch in African LiteraturesBecker, H., 2012, `Anthropology and the study of popular culture: A perspective from the Southern tip of Africa', Research in African literatures, 43(4), 17-37. http:// dx.doi.org/10.2979/resea...
《Cultural Studies and the Study of Popular Culture》作者:University of Georgia Press,出版社:2003年10月,ISBN:。ThisrevisedandfullyupdatedversionofJohnStorey'sbes
The Cultural Studies and the Study of Popular Culture John Storey 文化研究与大众文化研究 一直知道文化研究与大众传播的相关性,特别是暑假上了阿杰的课之后,更明确了要多多向文化研究的方向涉猎。这本书可以说是把两者都结合起来,章节分设得很明确也容易理解,对我来... 评分☆☆☆ The Cultural Studies...
A revised and updated new edition of this best-selling introduction to the study of contemporary popular culture. The book presents an accessible introduction to the range of theories and methods which have been used to study contemporary popular culture. Doing this, it also provides a map of th...
This article explores the complex relationship of anthropology with the study of popular culture in southern Africa. In an insightful review of South African culture studies, Karin Barber argued a decade ago that while South African culture studies of the early post-apartheid era closely followed the...
In the Spring 1959 issue of the Public Opinion Quarterly, Bernard Berelson explains why he thinks that communication research may be dead. The pioneers in this field, he says, have abandoned their original interests and those who have followed neither measure up to the pioneers nor have they an...
The serious study of popular culture by intellectuals is regularly credited with having rendered obsolete a once-dominant view that popular culture is inherently inferior to high art. Yet this alteration of attitudes may be somewhat (i) ___ . Although it is now academically respectable to analyze...